Equinox is owned and operated by Cameo and Brooks – a fun-loving pair with loads of fishing and outdoor exploration experience. We live in Sitka and are excited to share our knowledge of the area and its culture with our guests.

Equinox is owned and operated by Cameo and Brooks – a fun-loving pair with loads of fishing and outdoor exploration experience. We live in Sitka and are excited to share our knowledge of the area and its culture with our guests.
Check out the big fish stories and pictures from our Save Bristol Bay Guide Ambassadors, Trout Unlimited members and even our CEO, Chris Wood.
The annual Armed Forces Appreciation Fishing trip has been fostering connections and community in Alaska since 2018.
An angler no longer asks himself, ‘Why do we fish?’
Since 1985, 3 Rivers Fly and Tackle has been located in Wasilla, Alaska and has grown to become Alaska’s premier fishing tackle and fly fishing shop. Our resident fly shop staff have decades of real time experience fishing Alaska, including flying and guiding fishermen into remote locations, instructing fly casting, fly tying, rod building classes,
The Environmental Protection Agency is taking a major step forward in finalizing Clean Water Act protections for the Bristol Bay region and its globally significant salmon fisheries.
It is with great excitement that we announce the 2022 Trout Unlimited and Kinross Fort Knox Armed Forces Appreciation Fishing Trip on Willow Creek with FishHound Expeditions!