Voices from the River: Tube-spotting

By Eric Booton I choose to wander through airports like a dazed drone, focusing on nothing but my destination and the gate that will get me there. I ignore most everyone. Not to be rude, I’m just not fully enthused to be killing time in such a mundane enclosure. The rows of bench seating occupied

Don’t wait… advocate

The author fishing during Virginia’s vibrant Fall. by Jeffrey Constantz   My mom taught me the old adage: Don’t discuss money, religion, or politics in polite company. Now, as a full-grown, all-knowing, 21-year-old millennial, I have a different, more nuanced opinion. To quote The Who’s 1965 hit, “My Generation,” “I’m not trying to cause a

Video spotlight: How to save the day on a trout river

Below, in the Orvis video narrated by Dave Jensen, is a great story. And it’s a familiar one. Almost exactly two years ago, I was fishing what the locals had described to me as a great little grayling stream in eastern Alaska. This deep, slow channel that connected a network of ponds and lakes just

Five Rivers Odyssey: Exploring the Tongass

The Tongass National Forest is the largest national forest in the United States and is home to the third largest island in the United States, Prince of Wales (only Kodiak and the big island of Hawaii are bigger). The 5 Rivers Odyssey crew spent 10 days on Prince of Wales to learn more about issues

The Middlebury backstory

The tale of two Chrises: Chris Wood, above, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited; and Chris Santella, decorated outdoor writer. Both are alums of Vermont’s Middlebury College. By Kirk Deeter There’s always a backstory. Someday, I’m going to write a book, called “Backstory” or “Deep Into the Backing,” or something like that, where I spill