TU Five Rivers Odyssey: A future for salmon and Bristol Bay students

Photos courtesy Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy. Teaching young adults about the significance of salmon conservation is one of the best methods to ensure our fishy friends’ existence in the future. Corporations and non-profit organizations in Alaska have teamed up to make sure that this effort goes full send. The Bristol Bay Fly

Video spotlight: Arctic Char in Baffin Bay

The Arctic char of Nunavut, the northern-most Canadian territory that lies just west of Greenland across Baffin Bay, are amazing fish. They cruise into rivers and streams running into the Arctic Ocean on tidal flows starting in the summer, and they are aggressive eaters. In the fall, just like their char cousins, the Dolly Varden,

TU Five Rivers Odyssey: Running on empty

Editor’s note: Building off the success of last year’s Native Odyssey campaign, Trout Unlimited sent four of our brightest college club leaders in the TU Costa 5 Rivers Program to explore the home of the world’s largest runs of wild salmon: Alaska. These students are exploring the Kenai Peninsula, Bristol Bay and the Tongass National

TU Five Rivers Odyssey: Native fish… and native people

Editor’s note: Building off the success of last year’s Native Odyssey campaign, Trout Unlimited sent four of our brightest college club leaders in the TU Costa 5 Rivers Program to explore the home of the world’s largest runs of wild salmon: Alaska. These students are exploring the Kenai Peninsula, Bristol Bay and the Tongass National

TU Five Rivers Odyssey: Bristol Bay today

Editor’s note: Building off the success of last year’s Native Odyssey campaign, Trout Unlimited is sending four of our brightest college club leaders in the TU Costa 5 Rivers Program to explore the home of the world’s largest runs of wild salmon: Alaska. These students will explore the Kenai Peninsula, Bristol Bay and the Tongass

Fishing spurred invention in ancient Japan

Photo courtesy Cosmos Magazine They say necessity is the mother of invention. In ancient Japan, it seems that pottery essentially came to be thanks to the need to store fish. Fishing made pottery necessary. Who knew? According to Cosmos Magazine, the initial assumption was that pottery came into being some 20,000 years ago because a