By Eric Booten Excuse the grip and grin, but this fish and smile come with a story. I enjoyed talking fish with Sam, my fishing buddy and coworker. Several hours of the work week were routinely lost to these discussions, but when you work to protect fish and their habitat, sometimes you just take some
The 8th class of the Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy. By: Jenny Weis There are a lot of things I love about my job. I love working with locals to protect the waterways they cherish and hope to one-day share with their children. I love empowering citizens to contact their elected decision makers
Today we released a short film, “Hooked: Inspiring Youth, Creating Opportunity” by Fly Out Media By: Jenny Weis Celebrating its tenth class in 2018, the Bristol Bay Fly Fishing & Guide Academy is a weeklong riverside course, which, through volunteer instructors, teaches fly-fishing, tying, customer service and guiding basics, river etiquette, leadership, conservation and fisheries
SIGN UP FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A 7-PIECE, 5WT ROD & REEL FROM PESCADOR ON THE FLY If you’re an American angler, you’ve probably either heard the stories or have first hand experience of the of 30 inch rainbow trout, the wildest of wildlife, and salmon runs so thick that emerald water glows red
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 25, 2018 Contact: Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited – Alaska Program, (907) 230-7121 Another Pebble mine financial backer walks away Alaskans and sportsmen around the country celebrate sensible move that confirms, once again that Pebble is a bad idea. ANCHORAGE, AK This morning, Northern Dynasty Minerals, the company backing the proposed Pebble
By Eric Booton I start by asking the kids “what kind of rod is this?” While holding up a basic Shakespeare 8-weight combo rod on display for them to analyze. The answers vary, some are wrong, some are accurate, and some are obscure. The best answer remains “it’s an old timey rod!” I am self-taught
Dear Reader, On behalf of Trout Unlimited’s 300,000 members and supporters, 220 professional staff, and our trustees and grassroots leaders, we want to share with you the 2017 Trout Unlimited annual report. We realize that annual reports are essentially ritualized bragging, and should be generally read as such. Please consider these numbers, however, before you