Bristol Bay Ambassadors: Dan Michels

All photos courtesy of Crystal Creek Lodge facebook page. You can’t miss the sign that says, “Do you love this place? We need your help. Ask us how,” when you walk up to Crystal Creek Lodge, in King Salmon. This is a model for how Dan Michels is as a businessman and a person. Dan

Voices from the River: Harvest consciously

By Eric Booton I learned a memorable lesson while on an overnight camping trip with a group of friends during college. We camped next to a small and freshly stocked reservoir in a quiet, Colorado valley. The fishing was easy and trout were on the menu. The following morning was complete with consequence, not just

Voices from the river: Return of the G-Man

Longtime advocate for fishing and hunting and TU grassroots leader Geoff Malloway re-opens the Central Coast Fly Fishing shop. By Sam Davidson To Geoff Malloway, inaction, and its frequent companion inertia, are like poaching. They are a violation of the sportsmen’s code. He can’t abide them. You can see it in his face at meetings

Voices from the River: It’s almost time

By Nelli Williams Saturday winter mornings in our house are usually jolted into motion by a bright-eyed toddler and not-so sleepy Kindergartener shouting, ”C’mon mommy play!” with flapping arms and mini-dances of excitement. Despite a long week at work, I give in with little resistance. In the mind of a 3-year-old, play can’t wait for

Pescador on the Fly launches Kickstarter effort

Do you know our friends at Pescador on the Fly? If not, you should. Right now, they’re launching their line of Premium Travel Fly Rods. These 9-foot fly rods are super light weight and fit into a tube that’s less than 20 inches long. They travel like a dream, but most important, they fish like

Video spotlight: Life of a Guide

There was a time when I thought being a fishing guide would be about the coolest existence a guy could experience. That all changed one rainy Father’s Day weekend some 15 years ago when renowned guide Rod Patch floated me and my wife down the Cardiac Canyon reach of the Henry’s Fork. From bouncing the