The Tomorrow Fund

I landed at the Austin airport, and hustled over to the rental car company only to be told my license had expired the day before. The glee of the two clerks behind the counter was not lost on me. I was 90 minutes from New Braunfels, Texas, where I was scheduled in a few hours

Video spotlight: Brook Trout and Caddis Flies

One of the best experiences a fly angler can have is a stay at a remote fishing lodge, be it somewhere in the Rockies or the Adirondaks, or even as far-flung as Alaska or the Canadian north woods. I’ve had the pleasure of staying at lodges in the far north while chasing pike, walleye, lake

Voices from the River: The pink mouse

By Eric Booton There is a general rule of thumb that many of us live by: the bigger the challenge to access the fishing hole, the better the fishing is likely to be. With that in mind, a 30-minute flight on an Alaskan “bush” plane, plus a 45 minute drive in a beater truck on

Video spotlight: Grayling Land

Disclaimer: I love grayling. A couple years ago, on an extended trip north through B.C., the Yukon and Alaska, I gleefully chased grayling. We have a few places here in the northern Rockies that have grayling, but they’re few and far between, and the populations are fragile at best. But up north, grayling are prolific

Voices from the River: Honeymoon ghosts

The one that got away. In November, I made the bi-annual stumble across the lawn, ungracefully lugging fly rods, waders and tackle to the shed to make way for ski gear in our indoor gear closet. Since catching the last fish on the fly of 2017 (a respectable leopard spotted rainbow trout from a small

Voices from the River: Ivy Van

If you’re on social media, I’m confident you have noticed that #vanlife has swept the nation. Powered by social media, modern day van life is inspired by the romantic excursions of previous generations who loaded up VW Westfalias and Transporters to chase down their favorite musical acts, post up at the river in a trout

Big news on the Pebble Mine front

NEWS: Last Friday, the U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced that he would not withdraw the 2014 Clean Water Act 404(c) Proposed Determination for Bristol Bay, Alaska. What does this mean? The Proposed Determination, when finalized would have put restrictions on mining the Pebble Deposit. In May, those restrictions were heading toward being done away