‘Fisheries’ article highlights changes in Alaska waters

By Dave Atcheson The lead article, gracing the cover of the October issue of the journal Fisheries, details a recent study on how environmental changes may affect our salmon in both the near and distant future. The study is spearheaded by lead scientist Erik Schoen, from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and encompasses the work

A Shared Vision for the Tongass

Photo by Alan Corbett By Erin Heist Though the days of timber barons have long expired, Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest is no stranger to timber wars in recent decades. However, with a recent and hard-fought amendment to the Tongass Land Management Plan (TLMP) by TU and many partners, Southeast Alaskans formed a shared vision

Voices from the River: The tying desk

By Eric Booton It’s like watching magic happen, or so it seems. Fifteen short minutes and the wood finish stripper has performed its intimidating chemical magic and one stroke of the scraper removes the shabby finish and once adored princess stickers that have previously defined this forgotten piece of furniture. The hours spent with the

Trout Unlimited Alaska Hosts Chinook Panel

By Dave Atcheson Most Alaskans are painfully aware of the recent downturn in king salmon runs on many of our streams. The numbers of returning Chinook salmon have remained alarmingly low for the last several years, prompting fishing closures in many areas, including the previous season’s closure of the entire Southeast region. It was with

Stream protection effort in PA, featured in new film, gains traction

By Rob Shane Pennsylvania boasts more than 86,000 miles of rivers, streams and creeks, second in the United States only to Alaska. That’s three-and-a-half trips around the earth. Thirty trips from Los Angeles to New York. It’s five times more than the 10 largest rivers in America—combined. These 86,000 miles provide clean drinking water to

Video spotlight: Spatsizi

I’ve been missing my little girl lately—she’s off on her own adventures now after graduating from high school last spring. But we had some adventures in years past, and this past summer, we met on a little creek high in Idaho’s Caribou National Forest for some fishing. The two of us have always had a