Small streams make a big difference

By Jack Williams We love our big iconic rivers: the Snake, the Rogue, the Umpqua, the Klamath, the Gunnison, the Madison, the Salmon, and the Henry’s Fork to name but a few. These waters invoke passion among anglers, river runners, and all those who appreciate the beauty of wild, clean rivers. But just like anything

Sportsmens bill advances in Senate – S.1514, the Hunting Heritage and Environmental Legacy Preservation for Wildlife Act.

On July 26th, 2017, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee advanced S.1514, the Hunting Heritage and Environmental Legacy Preservation for Wildlife Act (HELP Wildlife Act). Trout Unlimited supports this bill, which reauthorizes a number of useful conservation programs until 2023. The reauthorized programs that Trout Unlimited is particularly supportive of include: North Americans Wetlands

Voices from the River: The impartial third party

By Jenny Weis I imagine the following series of events has played out in households other than just mine: Partner loves fly fishing and goes all the time. Partner tells me *he thinks I, too, would love fly fishing. I believe him and am genuinely excited for him to teach me! Partner teaches me to

Stand up for your clean water, public lands, and Bristol Bay

The day Casey turned 11, the Environmental Protection Agency announced it was rescinding the 2015 Clean Water Rule and replacing it with one that might not apply the protections of the Clean Water Act to small and seasonal streams. On his birthday weekend, Casey asked that we take his brothers and some friends to West

No Free Pass say Alaskans to Pebble Mine backers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJuly 11, 2017 Contact: Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimiteds Alaska Program (907) 230-7121 No Free Pass say Alaskans to Pebble Mine backers ANCHORAGE, AK Alaskans and anglers, hunters, and the dozens of sport-fishing business owners that operate in the Bristol Bay region are extremely disappointed by todays announcement that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency