SalmonForestFinalSm.jpg NEW TU Logo.jpg November 20, 2015 Contact: Austin Williams, Alaska Director of Law and Policy, Trout Unlimited,, 907-227-1590 Mark Kaelke, Southeast Alaska Project Director, Trout Unlimited,, 907-321-4464 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited commends the Forest Service for releasing proposed plan that includes protections for high-value salmon rivers Sportsmen and business owners encourage
Nov. 4, 2015 Contact: Nelli Williams, Director of Trout Unlimiteds Alaska Program, (907) 230-7121 or FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen urge Congress to listen to facts, not Pebble Limited Partnership-funded propaganda campaign The House Science, Space and Technology committee hearing’s review of the EPA process distracts from the mining companys failure to file for permits
Bristol Bay fishermen. Photo by Cory Luoma, Alaska Fly Out Media October 6, 2015 Contact: Nelli Williams, Director of Trout Unlimiteds Alaska Program, (907) 230-7127 or FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Pebble Limited Partnership funded report ignores key stakeholders, fails to address actual facts Cohen Group releases report that distracts from mining companys failure to file
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Alannah Hurley, United Tribes of Bristol Bay (907) 843-1633 or Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimiteds Alaska Program (907) 230-7127 or nwilliams@tu.orgAlaskans deliver thousands of postcards to Senator Lisa Murkowski seeking protection for Bristol BayANCHORAGE (September 29, 2015) A group of Alaskans representing Bristol Bay tribes and businesses will deliver thousands of
March 27, 2015 Contact: Nicolas Schwint, Co-founder/CEO, Fly Dreamers,, +54 11 5217 7645 Joel R. Johnson, Chief Marketing Officer, Trout Unlimited,, (703) 284-9413 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Fly Dreamers joins TU as its newest corporate partner WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited and the online fly fishing community Fly Dreamers announced today that Fly Dreamers is TUs
Tongass transition out of old-growth logging stalled New report finds Forest Service continued focus on timber shortchanges Southeast Alaskas growth industries: fishing and tourism JUNEAU, Alaska — A new report finds the U.S. Forest Services four-year-old pledge to end old-growth logging and to support key economic sectors in Alaskas Tongass National Forest has stalled. Headwaters
Sept. 2, 2014 Contact: Katie McKalip, 406-240-9262, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: On Eve of 50th Anniversary of Land and Water Conservation Fund, 19 Sportsmen’s Groups Call on Congress to Fully Fund LWCF LWCF, a key tool for conserving fish and wildlife resources and improving sportsmen’s access, is perenially shortchanged by Congress WASHINGTON The nations leading