With Arizona’s legislative session ramping up, here is a look at some of the bills we are watching and how we’ll play both offense and defense to advance our goals of conserving, protecting and restoring our coldwater fisheries and their watersheds
With roadblocks comes opportunity in Arizona
With massive projects like the proposed forest and watershed restoration efforts in Arizona come massive roadblocks. But roadblocks won’t deter Arizona Trout Unlimited from accomplishing its critical goals of forest and, therefore, watershed restoration. If you’ll recall in our first blog post in this series, AZTU has been at the table urging forest restoration initiatives through the Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI) to enhance watershed health
Get Outdoors Arizona business coalitions aims to protect public lands
Public lands importance has risen more this year than ever before giving Americans an opportunity to find respite in nature
Trout Unlimited has crafted its own legacy of protection
Legacy. It’s a small word, but it emotes big energy. It means someone — or a group of someones — has left behind a lasting footprint that guides a discipline years, even decades, later
Arizona conservation groups push for climate change action
Trout Unlimited has long been advocating for federal legislation on climate change, urging this effort to come from the top down, and in Arizona, we are pushing our members of Congress on this issue
The importance of quality partnerships
In Arizona, TU members have been actively involved in policy, management, funding and more on USFS projects, large and small, affecting streams, watersheds and landscapes.
Arizona’s Jim Strogen awarded for conservation and education work
Dr. Jim Strogen was named the 2020 Outstanding Citizen Wildlife Contributor of the Year by the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies