
I didn’t fish the opener of the winter steelhead season this year. Apparently, I have a thing about symmetry as I didn’t fish the close, either. A combination of real-life factors kept me off the water on these dates. I found solace in a petition to the Steelhead Whisperer for on-the-water reports. Thus it was

Safeguards for fish, water quality head to Governor’s desk

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Crystal Elliot, Trout Unlimited Washington Habitat Director, or (509) 386-7768 Tom Uniack, Washington Wild Executive Director, 206-369-1252 Safeguards for fish, water quality head to Governor’s desk Bill just approved by legislature would update regulations for motorized suction dredging in habitat for endangered fish species.  OLYMPIA, Wash. — Washington residents can

Skate punks and disc golf

In praise of urban trout streams The thought occurred to me while I was fishing under the Highway 20 bridge over the lower Yuba River in California’s Gold Country. To reach the water I had crossed a floodplain so altered by quarrying, mining and off-road vehicles that it more resembled a moonscape than a functional

Conservation programs on the administration chopping block once again

The Trump administration is once again proposing significant government funding cuts that that would hamstring critical clean water programs and weaken TU’s federal partners. If these cuts were enacted, they would undermine efforts by Trout Unlimited and our conservation partners to protect coldwater habitat in places like the Colorado River basin, the Chesapeake Bay and

House passes public lands bill, conserves key habitat and famous fisheries in California

The Protecting America’s Wilderness Act promotes protection and restoration of public lands and waters, wildfire risk reduction, and fishing and hunting opportunities in five national forests in California. This week, the House of Representatives passed the Protecting America’s Wilderness Act. This legislation includes three bills that Trout Unlimited has worked for years with our local

TU lauds House passage of Protecting America’s Wilderness Act, notes benefits for habitat and sporting opportunities

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contact:  Kate Miller, Director, Government Affairs, (703) 489-6411,   Sam Davidson, California Communications Director, (831) 235-2542,  TROUT UNLIMITED PRAISES HOUSE PASSAGE OF BILL TO IMPROVE CONSERVATION, FOREST HEALTH AND OUTDOOR RECREATION ACCESS IN CALIFORNIA  The Protecting America’s Wilderness Act promotes protection and restoration of public lands and waters, wildfire risk reduction, and fishing and hunting opportunities in five national forests in California  Feb. 12, 2020 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the