Conservationists, anglers and commercial fishermen united in support of Klamath dam removal

For Immediate Release April 6, 2016 Contact Steve Rothert, American Rivers, 530-277-0448 Curtis Knight, California Trout, 530-859-1872 Lowell Ashbaugh, International Federation of Fly Fishers, 530-277-6722 Glen Spain, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermens Associations and Institute for Fisheries Resources, 541-689-2000 Brian Johnson, Trout Unlimited, 415-385-0796 General inquiries: Nina Erlich-Williams, 541-230-1973 or 415-577-1153 CONSERVATIONISTS, ANGLERS AND COMMERCIAL

SWIFT launches A Practitioners Guide to Instream Flow Transactions in California

SWIFT logos.png March 29, 2016 Contact: Carson Cox, American Rivers/River Right, (415) 383-1788, Chris Alford, Alford Environmental, (530) 848-6211, Lisa Park, The Nature Conservancy, (408) 821-9255, Mary Ann King, Trout Unlimited, (510) 649-9987, Sari Sommarstrom, Scott River Water Trust, (530) 467-5783, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SWIFT launches A Practitioners Guide to

Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust and Trout Unlimited merge, awarded NRCS grant for restoration work

TU Logo_2015.jpg February 18, 2016 Contact: Chrysten Lambert, Director, Oregon Water Project, (541) 973-4431 clambert@tu.orgBrian Johnson, California and Klamath Director, (415) 385-0796 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust and Trout Unlimited announce merger, award of $7.6M from NRCS to support partnerships with agriculture in upper Klamath Basin Klamath Falls, Ore.The Klamath Basin Rangeland

Trout Unlimited applauds new Sand to Snow National Monument

TU Logo_2015.jpg February 12, 2016 Contact: Kate Miller, Director of Government Affairs, (703) 284-9426Jessica Strickland, California Field Coordinator, (830) 515-9917 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited applauds new Sand to Snow National Monument Designation of three new national monuments in southern California will permanently protect water supply, habitat, and sporting opportunities EMERYVILLE, Calif.Trout Unlimited (TU), the

Sportsmen present path forward for national monument proposals

News for Immediate Release Jan. 21, 2016 Contact: Katie McKalip, BHA, 406-240-9262, Kristyn Brady, TRCP, 617-501-6352, Randy Scholfield, TU, 720-375-3961, Sportsmen Present Path Forward for National Monument Proposals Report offers road map for future monuments that represent hunting, angling values MISSOULA, Mont. A coalition of sportsmens groups and businesses is presenting a

Conservation groups issue statement on Klamath Agreements, Congressional inaction, commitment to recovering salmon and steelhead

For Immediate Release December 21, 2015 Contact: Nina Erlich-Williams, 541-230-1971, 415-577-1151 (C), Conservation groups remain committed to recovering salmon and steelhead in Klamath Basin despite Congressional inaction Klamath Basin, Ore. With Congress adjourned for the year without passing legislation to enact the Klamath Basin Agreements, the fate of struggling salmon and steelhead populations in

Wild Steelheaders United reaches the one-year mark, reports significant progress in advocating for wild steelhead

In first year, angler-driven initiative generates more than 4,000 supporters, makes gains in protecting and restoring the iconic sport fish in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and California CONTACT: Rob Masonis / VP Western Conservation, Trout Unlimited / (206) 491-9016 Shauna Sherard/ Communications Director, Northwest Region, Trout Unlimited (307) 757-7861 (Nov. 20, 2015) Seattle, WASH.