Trout Unlimited Faults Bush Administration Decision on Wetlands Protection

1/10/2003 Trout Unlimited Faults Bush Administration Decision on Wetlands Protection Trout Unlimited Faults Bush Administration Decision on Wetlands Protection Conservation group urges Administration not to use rulemaking to further weaken Clean Water Act Contact: Leon Szeptycki General Counsel Trout Unlimited (434) 984-4919 1/10/2003 — Arlington, VA — Trout Unlimited, the nations leading conservation organization dedicated

Dead Fish Do Tell Tales:

Dead Fish Do Tell Tales: Dead Fish Do Tell Tales: Klamath River Fish Kill Points to Serious Policy Flaws Contact: Steve Moyer VP of Conservation Programs TU 703.284.9406 10/2/2002 — Arlington, VA — Officials with Trout Unlimited, the nations largest trout and salmon conservation organization, today urged the U.S Dept. of the Interior and Secretary

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to Consider Listing California Golden Trout Under ESA

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to Consider Listing California Golden Trout Under ESA U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to Consider Listing California Golden Trout Under ESA Agency formally determines Trout Unlimited listing petition has merit Contact: Scott Yates Western Native Trout Program Director TU 208.552.0891 9/20/2002 — Sacramento — Acting on a federal judges order,

Trout Unlimited Supports Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2002

Trout Unlimited Supports Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2002 Trout Unlimited Supports Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2002 Contact: Chris Wood TU Director for Watershed Programs (703) 284-9403 7/25/2002 — Arlington, VA — Trout Unlimited strongly supports Senate efforts to protect 58.5 million acres of unfragmented public lands from new road construction and most commercial

Court Orders Interior Sec. Norton to Move on California Golden Trout ESA Listing

Court Orders Interior Sec. Norton to Move on California Golden Trout ESA Listing Court Orders Interior Sec. Norton to Move on California Golden Trout ESA Listing Contact: Steve Trafton California Policy Coordinator TU 510.528.4772 6/25/2002 — San Francisco, Calif. — A federal judge Friday gave U.S. Interior Secretary Gale Norton 90 days to move forward

Conservation Groups Forced to Sue in Defense of Salmon Recovery Site

Conservation Groups Forced to Sue in Defense of Salmon Recovery Site Conservation Groups Forced to Sue in Defense of Salmon Recovery Site Lagunitas Creek and Tomales Bay site of arguably Californias premier coho salmon and steelhead recovery project face threat of being dried up by new water diversions for ag and municipal use Contact: Chuck

Conservation Groups File To Exclude Hatchery Fish From 15 Esa Listings

Conservation Groups File To Exclude Hatchery Fish From 15 Esa Listings Conservation Groups File To Exclude Hatchery Fish From 15 Esa Listings With ESA protections of hatchery and wild fish called into question by a controversial court opinion last fall, groups today file for wild-only listings for 15 salmon and steelhead stocks. Contact: Kaitlin Lovell