Senate Approves Energy Bill With Harmful Hydro Provisions

8/1/2003 Senate Approves Energy Bill With Harmful Hydro Provisions Senate Approves Energy Bill With Harmful Hydro Provisions Eleventh Hour Discussions Hold Promise For Improvements in Conference Committee Contact: Steve Moyer Vice President Government Affairs Trout Unlimited (703) 284-9406 8/1/2003 — Washington, D.C. — Last night, in an odd turn of events, weeks of deliberations on

Trout Unlimited Applauds Court Ruling Upholding Maine Salmon Endangered Listing

4/25/2003 Trout Unlimited Applauds Court Ruling Upholding Maine Salmon Endangered Listing Trout Unlimited Applauds Court Ruling Upholding Maine Salmon Endangered Listing Calls on Baldacci administration to end four years of opposition and focus on recovery Contact: Jeff Reardon New England Conservation Director Trout Unlimited 207 623-1470 4/25/2003 — Augusta, ME — Augusta, Maine . .

Trout Unlimited and Sennebec Pond Association Celebrate Sennebec Dam Removal

Trout Unlimited and Sennebec Pond Association Celebrate Sennebec Dam Removal Trout Unlimited and Sennebec Pond Association Celebrate Sennebec Dam Removal Community Developed Solution Benefiting Humans, Fish Contact: Jeff Reardon New England Conservation Director Trout Unlimited (207) 373-0700, (207) 841-7529 (cell) 10/29/2002 — Union, Maine — Today Trout Unlimited and the Sennebec Pond Association, joined by

National Academy Of Sciences Review: Maine's Wild Salmon Are Genetically Distinct

National Academy Of Sciences Review: Maine’s Wild Salmon Are Genetically Distinct National Academy Of Sciences Review: Maines Wild Salmon Are Genetically Distinct Trout Unlimited Calls on State and Federal Officials to Move Forward on Recovery Plans Contact: Jeff Reardon New England Conservation Director Trout Unlimited 207/ 373-0700 1/11/2002 — Brunswick, ME — On January 7th,

Sennebec Pond Association & Trout Unlimited Host Information Meeting

7/23/2001 Sennebec Pond Association & Trout Unlimited Host Information Meeting Sennebec Pond Association & Trout Unlimited Host Information Meeting Contact: 7/23/2001 — — July 23, 2001 Union, Maine . . . The Sennebec Pond Association and the St. George Chapter of Trout Unlimited will host a Public Information Meeting on Monday, July 30 to explain

Precedent Setting Agreement Between Environmentalists and Maine Salmon Farmers

5/31/2001 Precedent Setting Agreement Between Environmentalists and Maine Salmon Farmers Precedent Setting Agreement Between Environmentalists and Maine Salmon Farmers Contact: 5/31/2001 — — Contact: Jeff Reardon, New England Conservation Director, Trout Unlimited, (207) 373-0700 May 31, 2001…Hallowell, ME…Three of Maines principal salmon conservation groups and Maines salmon farmers have signed a precedent-setting agreement putting in