Robinson Brook project reconnects trout habitat in New Hampshire

By Colin Lawson Trout Unlimited and partners recently completed a project bypassing an old earth dam on Robinson Brook in New Hampshire, expanding habitat for brook trout on the Ashuelot River tributary. TU’s project team designed a step, pool riffle configuration to allow full passage of all fish species in all flow conditions (above). The

More changes for monuments?

Interior Secretary Zinke recommends additional changes for national monuments Report outlines actions that would have far-reaching consequences for hunters and anglers WASHINGTON D.C. — In a final report released to the public today, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke recommended to President Trump that additional national monuments – those public lands managed to protect objects

Work continues on Connecticut’s Salmon Creek

By Tracy Brown It was another productive year for restoration and outreach work on Connecticut’s Salmon Creek. Work on Salmon Creek continued through the spring and summer with activities kicking off in late April with the Salmon Creek Watershed Festival. Located in Salisbury, Conn., Salmon Creek — also known as the Salmon Kill — has

National monuments in the crosshairs

Native redband trout from upper Jenny Creek, Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, Oregon. This monument, and others with quality sporting opportunities, are targeted for downsizing or reduction in resource protections by the Trump administration. Photo: Kaden Swart Theodore Roosevelt might be resting a little uneasily in his grave. Roosevelt, America’s greatest sportsman-conservationist, used his presidency to promote