by Chris Hunt | April 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
Jeff’s two step-daughters, Katherine (left) and Kaitlyn, ages seven and eight, show off their volunteer spirit on a recent Trout Unlimited streamside trash cleanup. Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of blog posts from TU leaders explaining their love for volunteering, for making fishing better and for sharing TU’s message all over
Brook Trout and the Ghost of Henry David Thoreau By Jeff Reardon Henry David Thoreau has always had a mixed reputation here in Maine. Sure, he may have been a giant of American literature and patron saint of th e environmental movement, but he got nervous when his Penobscot Indian guide left him alone at
As my friend Bill Hilts Jr. says in this piece about a 31-pound brown trout caught on the Niagara River, “things happen for a reason.” This is a fish of a lifetime, and after you read the piece, you’ll understand exactly what I mean. The human spirit, for all its frailties, is good. This proves
Bringing brookies back to the Southern Appalachians With all the divisiveness in the air these days, it’s refreshing to see people working together to protect fish that have lived in the same streams for almost 2 million years. The brook trout, which first a rrived in the southern Appalachians about 1.8 million years ago, has
Not long ago, I read that the average American kid spends about seven hours a day in front of a screen of some type, but only about seven minutes a day outside. As a parent and a grandparent, those numbers sent a chill through me. If kids aren’t outside, how can we expect them to
“The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.”— President Teddy Roosevelt [STAND UP FOR CONSE RVATION FUNDING HERE] Land and water conservation are taking a direct hit in President Trumps proposed budget. In his message to
Jason Dyer working on his casting while on a fishing trip in Canada. Agustina Boitano Davidson photo By Jason Dyer I grew up on the East Coast and fished a lot of small streams and deep hidden ponds in the White Mountains during my adolescent years. I did do a fair amount of surf casting,