TU calls on Congress to reject the worst natural resource cuts of President Trumps Budget Proposal “The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.” — President Teddy Roosevelt WASHINGTON, D.C. After reviewing President Trumps Fiscal Year
TU Business Spotlight: Trout Scapes River Restoration, LLC

By Walt Gasson Like any great company, Trout Scapes River Restoration, LLC is about great people. Brian Cowden is one of those great people. Brian comes to Trout Scapes after being the VP of Sales and Marketing for a Montana based river restoration firm. Prior to that role, Brian worked at Trout Unlimited where he
Big year for New England culvert team

By Colin Lawson The New England Culvert Program had a very successful 2016 field season completing over 10 restoration projects across Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Our team of three full-time and eight seasonal staff reconnected more than 17 miles of u pstream brook trout habitat, assessed over 1,800 road stream crossings for AOP and
Voices from the River: Author Tom Johnson

Trout Unlimited member Tom Johnson released his second book, “Threaded Journeys,” last summer. The book is a series of essays about two of Johnson’s passions: fly fishing and bowhunting, with interweaving discussions on conservation, health and our national welfare. Johnson grew up in central Massachusetts with a father and four brothers who shared many similar
Short casts: Fish ladders don’t work, public lands support in CO, whirling disease in the Bow

John Day Dam on the Columbia River. A new Yale University study provides some daunting news for water and dam managers across the country: fish ladders aren’t the “fix-it” solution to fish migration over irrigation or hydroelectric dams. The study, which took place on three East Coast rivers—the Connecticut, the Susquehanna and the Merrimack—showed that
Video spotlight: New England Mountain Fly Fishing

Being a western guy with roots in the Rockies, my angling experience in the mountains of New England is pretty limited. I did spend a great afternoon several years ago chasing fat rainbows in Connectictut’s upper Farmington River before being chased away by a rainstorm, and I got to fish some Adirondack streams for native
Short casts: Public lands win, great fishing beards, classic writing

Thanks for writing, calling and posting. Your efforts paid off in the protection of our public lands … for now. Last night on his Instagram account, Utah Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz announced that he w as abandoning a bill to sell some 3.3 million acres of public land in the West. The reason? He’d heard