11/19/1999 Portland Press Herald Editorial: King can blame self for salmon’s listing Portland Press Herald Editorial: King can blame self for salmon’s listing Maine has not been aggressive enough in efforts to save the species Contact: 11/19/1999 — — Gov. King’s disappointment over the federal government’s decision to list the Atlantic salmon as endangered is
Portland Press Herald Article: U.S. Initiates Salmon Plan
11/19/1999 Portland Press Herald Article: U.S. Initiates Salmon Plan Portland Press Herald Article: U.S. Initiates Salmon Plan Contact: 11/19/1999 — — The federal government, under pressure from conservation groups to save vanishing populations of wild Atlantic salmon, proposed an endangered species listing Wednesday to protect the fish in eight Maine rivers. The proposal, which was
TU TV Reaches One Million ESPN2 Viewers
11/17/1999 TU TV Reaches One Million ESPN2 Viewers TU TV Reaches One Million ESPN2 Viewers Audience Taking Advantage of Show’s New Website, www.TUTV.org Contact: 11/17/1999 — — Trout Unlimited Television’s (TUTV) ESPN2 series has hit the ground running in its second season, attracting a cumulative audience of one million viewers through its first five weeks,
TU Fears Babbitt's Atlantic Salmon Listing Efforts Won't Survive the Politics of a New Administration
11/17/1999 TU Fears Babbitt’s Atlantic Salmon Listing Efforts Won’t Survive the Politics of a New Administration TU Fears Babbitt’s Atlantic Salmon Listing Efforts Won’t Survive the Politics of a New Administration Federal Register Outlines Potential Aquaculture Regulations Contact: 11/17/1999 — — While the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service formalized
Babbit Atlantic Salmon Listing Suggestion Deja Vu
10/20/1999 Babbit Atlantic Salmon Listing Suggestion Deja Vu Babbit Atlantic Salmon Listing Suggestion Deja Vu Trout Unlimited Calls for Immediate Emergency Listing Contact: 10/20/1999 — — Trout Unlimited (TU) took little comfort from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service announcement this morning that they would suggest listing of Maine’s
Trout Unlimited Launches New Website for TUTV Fans!
10/7/1999 Trout Unlimited Launches New Website for TUTV Fans! Trout Unlimited Launches New Website for TUTV Fans! www.TUTV.org Provides Schedules, Fishing Tips, Shopping, and more Contact: 10/7/1999 — — Trout Unlimited today unveiled a new website — http://www.tutv.org — dedicated to providing up-to-the-minute program details to viewers of its hit ESPN2 television series, Trout Unlimited
Taking On Acid Rain
9/15/19999 Taking On Acid Rain Taking On Acid Rain Contact: 9/15/1999 — — WHAT IS ACID RAIN? Scientists have determined that acid rain develops when pollution, mostly from coal-fired electric power plants, enters the atmosphere and returns to the ground in the form of acid rain. Specifically, nitrogen oxides and disulfur oxide have been identified