TU Teens make 30 under 30 list

Alleigh Raymond on the Davidson River. Courtesy Connor Parton Photography By Tara Granke Three Trout Unlimited teens were recently recognized by Blue Ridge Outdoors in the publication’s “30 Under 30” list highlighting people from the Mid-Atlantic and southeast parts of the country driving the next generation of outdoor leaders. Topping the list is Alleigh Raymond, two-time

Gear Test: Pescador on the Fly’s El Cinco travel rod

For the Pescador on the Fly “El Cinco” 7-piece 9-foot, 5-weight fly rod, one thing is for certain: the company achieved its main goal of convenience and portability. Flying a mu ltiple leg trip from Charlotte, N.C. to Last Chance, Idaho, I did not want to take a chance on arriving without my gear, so

Jeff Wright hired as Trout Unlimited Southeast volunteer coordinator

Trout Unlimited is happy to announce that we’ve hired Jeff Wright to serve as our new Southeast volunteer coordinator. Jeff will work with TU Volunteer Operations staff and regional conservation staff to engage, inform and empower TU’s volunteers to advance coldwater conservation in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Tennessee. Jeff’s passion for conservation and

Voices from the River: Working for trout in West Virginia

By Jessica Bryzek I recently started working with Trout Unlimited as the West Virginia Volunteer Water Quality and Stream Restoration Coordinator. Out of all the places I have worked, I have never felt so spoiled as I do here in Thomas, West Virginia. Surrounded by miles of primitive trails, wild mountain streams, and blue forests,