TU spearheads growing partnership for brook trout conservation in MD

By Seth Moessinger On Sunday October 13, five neighboring chapters of Trout Unlimited joined forces to help restore important riparian habitat along Crabtree Creek within Western Maryland’s Savage River watershed.  The watershed supports the largest population of native eastern brook trout in the state and is managed by the Maryland DNR as a zero-creel limit,

Pipeline report documents repeated pollution events

In central Appalachia, installing natural gas pipelines often involves trenching through wild trout streams by the dozens. Inevitably, that leads to problems. Storms pelt construction sites, sending plumes of sediment into waters. Stream crossing procedures fail. Restoration is not completed. All this puts coldwater resources at risk. Several major new pipelines have been built in

PA’s Unassessed Waters Initiative reaches milestone

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] By Rob Shane When TU partnered with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in 2011 to start surveying and protecting wild trout streams in the Commonwealth, we knew the mountain ahead of us would take years to climb. Pennsylvania has 86,000 miles of flowing water, and less than

Twenty years in, TU is still rolling in PA’s Kettle Creek watershed

By Amy Wolfe It’s hard to believe that just over 20 years ago I started working with Trout Unlimited in the Kettle Creek watershed in northcentral Pennsylvania.   Back then I was hired as the Coordinator for TU’s third Home Rivers Initiative. Fast forward a couple decades and now I enjoy working with many of TU’s

TU awarded $750K for projects in Upper Delaware

Trout Unlimited has received three federal grant awards totaling nearly $750,000 from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for stream protection and restoration projects in the upper Delaware River watershed.   These grant awards support the conservation goals of the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act, administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in partnership with NFWF. Thanks to

New AmeriCorps member eager to get to work in WV

By Morgan Agee I am so excited to be the new West Virginia water quality and monitoring organizer for Trout Unlimited and look forward to spending the next year with the TU team restoring, protecting and educating about the place where I grew up and learned to love the outdoors. With the Trout Unlimited team,