What can you do in a roadless area?

By Corey Fisher What can you do in a roadless area? Just about anything. What is a roadless area? Roadless areas, or Inventoried Roadless Areas, are generally those undeveloped portions of National Forests 5,000 acres or larger that are not designated as Wilderness, but that meet to minimum criteria for for consideration under the Wilderness

Voices from the River: In praise of railroads

By Toner Mitchell Conservation-oriented anglers have at least a foggy idea of what American landscapes and waterways have gone through on their way to their current state. Since Europeans first landed here, we have generally grazed, logged, mined, drilled, dammed, channelized, polluted and otherwise dewilded our natural estate to within an inch of its life.

California sportsmen to Congress: reauthorize LWCF

tu-logo-xl.jpg September 17, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Corey Fisher cfisher@tu.org / (406) 546-2979 Sam Davidson sdavidson@tu.org / (831) 235-2542 Sportsmens groups urge California congressional delegation to save the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program vital for habitat conservation and sporting access, expires September 30 TRUCKEE, Calif.Forty-three sportsmens organizations and businesses have signed and submitted

Public lands and the impacts of mining

Trout Unlimited and the work we do to protect and restore our nation’s coldwater fisheries is multifaceted. Advocacy is significant part of what we do, but we are a lot more and it sets us apart from any other natio nal conservation organization. Throughout the country, staff and volunteers invest countless hours and tens of

Voices from the River: Rio Grande otters

Photo courtesy of Nick Streit By Toner Mitchell While binge fishing the Rio Grande gorge last week, I saw my first two otters in New Mexico. Regarding the second, I’d yet to take my first cast when a long, chocolate movement caught the corner of my eye and drew my attention to the animal waddling

Voices from the river: Remembering John McCain

By Sam Davidson A man I and many others considered a great American passed away last Saturday: Senator John McCain of Arizona. I was in the mountains over the weekend, with no cell service, so I didn’t learn of his death until Monday morning. I was surprisingly moved by the news. I felt like we

Voices from the River: Ancient people – ancient fish

Jerrad Goodell, an aquatic biologist with the Bureau of Land Management’s Green River office, releases native Colorado River cutthroat trout into Range Creek with a formation known as Locomotive Rock in the background. Brett Prettyman/Trout Unlimited By Brett Prettyman The ancient rock art, ruins and even corn cobs – with corn still on them –