Voices from the River: Carp in the desert

By Chris Hunt The desert of southern Idaho is immense. Sliced ear to ear by the Snake River, this place is defined by fire. Some of the lava flows in Craters of the Moon National Monument are only 2,000 years old. Others are leftover from the last big blast from t he Yellowstone “hot spot”

Voices from the River: 1 day, 820 trees

Steinbeck Country TU Chapter family member Cassie Frahm with a willow she planted in an old sand trap on the former Rancho Canada golf course on Earth Day 2018. By Sam Davidson You may have heard that there are a lot of dead trees in California these days. Over the Earth Day weekend, TU’s Steinbeck

Voices from the River: The BFW pattern

“The friends I can count on, I can count on one hand”. — Anonymous I have a fishing buddy who’s fond of sayings and that particular one has resonated with me. He’s always been one of the guys I have counted on. Not sure he can say the same thing about m e. We are

Trout Unlimited lauds conservation benefits in House Farm Bill

For Immediate Release April 13, 2018 Contact: Steve Moyer, smoyer@tu.org, (571) 274-0593 Laura Ziemer, lziemer@tu.org, (406) 599-2606 Corey Fisher, cfisher@tu.org, (406) 546-2979 Trout Unlimited lauds conservation benefits in House Farm Bill Washington, D.C.House Agriculture Committee Chairman Michael Conoway yesterday introduced Republican-authored legislation for reauthorizing the Farm Bill, which expires Sept. 30. The bill reauthorizes many

Speaking up for monuments

Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, on the Oregon-California border. American sportsmen have long been advocates for strong habitat conservation policies and designations on public lands. This stems from the fundamental principle that every seasoned outdoorsperson understands: good fishing and hunting opportunity requires productive habitat—and for habitat to remain productive it must be kept largely undeveloped. This advocacy

Voices from the River: Dressing up for conservation

Helping organize rallies, like this one at the Idaho State Capitol, to show elected officials how sportsmen and sportswomen feel about legislation is an important part of the politics of conservation. Trout Unlimited photo. By Brett Prettyman Waders and work boots are the uniforms people typically think of when they envision Trout Unlimited staffers, members