UPDATED – Proposed bill threatens Henry’s Fork in Idaho

An angler soaks up the moment at the end of a day fishing the Henry’s Fork in eastern Idaho. Steve Schmidt photo. Editor’s Note – Wednesday morning the bill was dropped from consideration during the 2018 Idaho Legislative Session. Here’s a reaction from Trout Unlimited’s Micha el Gibson, who serves as the Idaho Field Director

Voices from the river: Fishing in the desert

The Arroyo Seco River. By Sam Davidson Not long ago, on an unseasonably warm Saturday, I went fishing in the desert. Well, technically the Arroyo Seco River isn’t desert—the fishable section flows through a rugged canyon sheathed in cha parral. But it might as well be in the desert. It’s hot and dry there much

Outdoor journalist helps TU, others with new book

Kris Millgate is a tenacious outdoor journalist, and I’ve come to admire her as much for her work as I do for her enthusiasm. Several years back, while working to garner press for TU’s Sportsmen’s Conservation Project, I contracted with Kris to help produce high-quality videos that showcased TU’s work on public lands and waters

Voices from the River: A good spot

By Dave Ammons On her 60th birthday my mother led me to the summit of Mt. Elbert, the highest among Colorado’s fourteeners. She was a mountain goat, small and sinewy, always seeking challenges in the wilderness. She was also determined, reticent to concede to limitations, and stubborn to the core. Not long after that climb

TU responds to news Utah may challenge public lands ownership

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Feb. 21, 2018 Contact: Corey Fisher, Public Land Policy Director, Trout Unlimited, (406) 546-2979, cfisher@tu.org Utah lawsuit could challenge public land ownership SALT LAKE CITYAccording to media reports, last week Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes told assembled members of the Utah Rural Caucus that he is preparing a lawsuit that could challenge

So, I wrote a letter to Jeep

So, I wrote a letter to Jeep. They ran an ad in the Super Bowl called The Road, that showed a Jeep running up the center of what looked like a stream. My eight year old son turned to me after it ran, and said “Dad, isn’t that really bad for the stream?” A few