Native Trout Odyssey team to make final stop in Washington D.C. Five college students; 10 weeks; 10 states; 18 native trout species. The Native Odyssey crew (left to right): Brett Winchel, Matt Crockett, Jacob Lacy, Heather Harkavy, Austin Burroughs. This Summer, TU, in partnership with U.S. Forest Service, Costa Sunglasses, Simms Fishing Products, and Fishpond,
Voices from the River: Women connect on Wyoming float

Editor’s note: This piece originally ran on the White Mountain Woman blog. By Robin Robison As an avid female angler, I am always looking for ways to connect with other women who love to be on the water. I have been fishing my entire life and some of my favorite memories are of time spent
Voices from the River: Equinox

A bigger-than-average trout from a nameless creek, Sierra National Forest. By Sam Davidson For no good reason one of my favorite words is equinox. It sounds like a cool drum set, or a fancy word for a horse’s muzzle. Of course, the term (which stems originally from the old Latin aequinoctium, or “equal night”) means
STREAM Girls volunteers get their feet wet

By Tara Granke Trout Unlimited is ready to shatter stereotypes and break boundaries. In early September, TU’s Headwaters Youth Program partnered with the Girl Scouts of Western Washington to hold the first-ever Train-the-Trainer for an outdoor STEM education experience designed for middle-school aged Scouts called STREAM Girls. At this training, TU’s Youth Education and Diversity/Women’s
Sundance Mountain Resort Hosts “The Movie”

It was the movie that brought thousands of new people to fly fishing. Director Robert Redford’s interpretation of Norman Maclean’s classic novella about family and fly fishing was an overwhelming success when it came out in the fall of 1992. Set in Missoula, Mont., in the 1920s it brought the beauty of wild fish and
1872 mining reform bill introduced

Bill to reform 1872 Mining Act praised by anglers Sept. 20, 2017 (WASHINGTON D.C.) — Lawmakers introduced a bill this week that would provide much needed reform to the 1872 Mining Act by charging royalties and reclamation fees for mining on federal lands, similar to those imposed on the coal, oil and gas industries. The
30 Great Places: Black River, Arizona

Region: Southwest/Southern RockiesActivity: FishingSpecies: Apache, rainbow and brown trout Where: The Black River courses through the two million-acre Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests and the San Carlos and Fort Apache reservations in the White Mountains of east-central Arizona. This is not the desert country that Arizona conjures up, but forested terrain criss-crossed with cold, clear-running streams and