Short Casts: What did I catch and should I eat it?

A pacu found dead at a community fishing pond in southern Utah. Courtesy Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Fishing is all about surprises. Sometimes the surprise is not the fact the trip ended up without so much as a sniff at your fly or the big one that did not get away, but rather what

Voices from the River: Pushing the season

(Above) The Lost River Range rises in the distance. Photo by Rachel Andona. (Below) The campfire, where winter washes away. Photo by Cameron Hunt. By Chris Hunt I’ve been known to push the season. As a newspaper reporter some 25 years ago in Buena Vista, Colo., I showed up to cover an April town council

Completing the Utah Cutthroat Slam

Tom Doxey caught this Yellowstone cutthroat in northwestern Utah to complete his Utah Cutthroat Slam. Courtesy photo. By Tom Doxey My quest for the Utah Cutthroat Slam began in April 2016 when the program was introduced at the Wasatch Fly Tying and Fly Fishing Expo. I was lucky enough to be the high bidder on

TU Business Spotlight: Trout Scapes River Restoration, LLC

By Walt Gasson Like any great company, Trout Scapes River Restoration, LLC is about great people. Brian Cowden is one of those great people. Brian comes to Trout Scapes after being the VP of Sales and Marketing for a Montana based river restoration firm. Prior to that role, Brian worked at Trout Unlimited where he

Voices from the River: Conversations on ice

The end of great day of ice fishing on the St. Louis River in Duluth, Minnesota. Brett Prettyman photo. By Brett Prettyman DULUTH, Minnesota — You learn a lot about someone while sharing a space the size of a row of three airplane seats for eight hours. A dd fishing chatter to the mix, particularly