Lessons Learned – A blueprint for securing our energy future while safeguarding America's sporting heritage

Sportsmen Issue Blueprint for Energy Development on Public Lands Report stresses balancing development to conserve hunting, fishing traditions WASHINGTON (Aug. 9 2017) A report released today by 18 sportsmens organizations and businesses urges smart-from-the-start planning, public engagement and consideration of the long-term impacts on fishing and hunting opportunities in response to efforts to increase and

2017 Spring Creek Trout Camp a Success

SPRING CREEK Young would-be anglers recently gathered just outside of Elko for an opportunity to learn about fly-fishing through the 3rd Annual Northern Nevada Trout Unlimited Youth Camp. A dozen pre-teen boys and girls, ages 10-12, learned about fly casting, fly tying, hooking and landing fish, aquatic insects and conservation over a two-day camp. Every

NRCS awards $1.4 million Conservation Innovation Grant to Trout Unlimited and Encourage Capital

June 8, 2017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Laura Ziemer, lziemer@tu.org, 406-599-2606 Ricardo Bayon, rbayon@encouragecapital.com, 415-373-6363 Pioneering program attracts private investment in agriculture upgrades and river habitat improvements (Washington, D.C.) The Natural Resources Conservation Service today announced a $1.4 million Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) to Trout Unlimited and Encourage Capital, a New York-based investment group, for

'Citizen scientists' enlisted to support SW native trout

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 27, 2017 Contact: Randy Scholfield, TU communications, rscholfield@tu.org, 720-375-3961 Citizen scientists enlisted to support Southwest native trout Stream monitoring will help biologists understand the impacts of climate change (Phoenix)Biologists from Trout Unlimited, the University of Arizona and state and federal agencies this week announced expanded citizen science stream monitoring projects that

Chaffetz kills bill to sell public lands

Utahs Representative announced a surprising change in course last night (Feb. 2, 2017) Washington D.C.In a surprising reversal, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) announced last night he would withdraw HB 621, a bill that would sell off millions of acres of public lands. As pro-public lands rallies formed across the West this week, the bill drew

Arizona Trout Unlimited receives award for conservation work

AZTU Council Award Group.jpg Joe Miller (fourth from right) accepts award on behalf of AZ TU Council. Arizona Trout Unlimited receives award for conservation work AZ Council lauded as best that TU has to offer at annual meeting (Bozeman, Mont.)At the annual national meeting of Trout Unlimited on Sept. 30, the Arizona Council of Trout

TU's Terry honored for work preserving native trout

For Immediate Release May 19, 2016 Contact: Kevin Terry, kterry@tu.org, Randy Scholfield, TU communications, rscholfield@tu.org, 720-375-3961 Terry honored for work protecting native trout in Colorado Trout Unlimited biologist receives award for passion, partnerships in preserving Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Alamosa, CO)–For Kevin Terry, preserving native trout is a passionand his colleagues in the conservation community