By following a few simple steps, anglers can do their part to slow the spread of invasives We know anglers are inundated with information about preventing the spread of things that threaten our freshwater resources. In the Great Lakes, we are distressed by the risk posed by New Zealand Mud Snails (NZMS) and Didymo (recently
by Drew YoungeDyke | December 7, 2023 | Fly tying
Lead can poison loons and eagles, but we can choose fly tying alternatives.
Jumpstarting brook trout restoration on Lake Superior
Both anglers and trout find less stress upstream
by Drew YoungeDyke | September 20, 2023 | Public Lands
Public Lands support the underlying spirit of traditional bowhunting and fly fishing As trout season draws to a close in Michigan, the leaves change hues and, for many of us, our attention turns to antlered pursuits with the opening of archery deer season. Out West, hunter-anglers have been pursuing elk for almost a month
Upper Peninsula outdoor TV show “Discovering” features TU brook trout restoration project.
Michigan habitat work transforms stream in southeast corner of the state into a trout haven for a big population center.