We are TU: Meet Cory Golden

Cory is the 2020 president of the Adams Chapter in Michigan. His nomination described him as, “young, energetic, and passionate about cold water conservation” and described his work toward youth enrichment and setting up a women’s committee to encourage more women to be out on the water. It was a pleasure learning more about Cory and we can’t wait to see what the Adams Chapter accomplishes.

TU replanting Michigan forests hit by ash borer

By Jamie Vaughan While emerald ash borer is old news in Lower Michigan, the impacts are still playing out today.   In Sparta, ash trees once dominated the floodplain forests along Nash creek. Now, few live trees remain among thousands of dead trees in various states of decay.   With limited markets for firewood, poor accessibility due to saturated soils, and risks

The Michigan Arctic grayling


Grayling are a tough fish to reintroduce to former habitat. For a long time, it was assumed that once the sailfish of the north winked out of a certain watershed, they were gone for good. Over the last 20 years, though, grayling reintroduction in Montana has shown promise. And, in just the last five years,