Rogue River Home Rivers Initiative

Goals Located near the second largest metropolitan area in Michigan, the Rogue River is an extremely important trout fishery in southern Michigan. The lower portion of the river is fabled for its excellent steelhead runs. The eastern tributaries host significant brook and brown trout populations. The river is an important economic engine — based on

TU getting things done in the Great Lakes region

I recently spoke about Trout Unlimited’s conservation work to a small gathering of anglers, most of whom had been Trout Unlimited members at some point but had drifted away and lost touch.    They were surprised to learn that TU had grown to become an organization with 300,000 members and supporters who dedicate more than 700,000 volunteer hours annually, a

When ‘fishing ain’t what it used to be’ is a good thing

The fishing ain’t what it used to be.   We’ve all heard that familiar lament, usually uttered by an angler trudging back to the parking lot after getting skunked. As conservationists, we know it’s too often true. The losses of trout and salmon fisheries relative to their historic distribution are well known to all of us. But this

TU aids with outdoor learning in Michigan

Outdoor education shouldn’t be a privilege of only rural schools. At Trout Unlimited, we believe all students should have access to high quality outdoor learning and we’re putting this belief to practice in Grand Rapids Public Schools.   This spring, Trout Unlimited has partnered up with after-school programs in two Grand Rapids city schools, Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership

When “yesterday” actually happens today

Matt Jennings and I are standing on the bank of Wisconsin’s Root River on an early spring day. And we are plotting. “I think we need to cross down there,” says Jennings, who then starts pointing his fly rod at various spots in the river.  “We’ll hit that one first, then that one, and then

From Bigotry to Brook Trout

We’ve all heard stories about the healing power of water and fly fishing. At Trout Unlimited, our chapters and volunteers devote significant resources to helping physically and emotionally wounded veterans heal from the horrors of war. But it’s more than that. Ask any die-hard fly fisher why they fish, and, after getting through all the