Volunteers assist TU staff on a riparian corridor planting project in the upper Potomac River watershed in West Virginia. Elimination of funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program, as proposed in President Trump’s FY2018 budget, would devastate stream restoration efforts that are helping to improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay. The proposed FY 2018 budget
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trump Administration budget ignores Americans support for clean air and waterCuts will harm agencies already strapped for funds CONTACT: Steve Moyer / Trout Unlimited(703) 447-8401, smoyer@tu.org Kate Miller / Trout Unlimited(703) 489-6411, kmiller@tu.org (May 23, 2017) Washington D.C. — President Trump released his detailed budget today proposing deep cuts to agencies and
Some great news out of New Mexico—the egg count at the Mora National Fish Hatchery hit 130,000, which offers hope for the fire- and drought-ravaged native range for threatened Gila trout. Gilas are native only to the Gila River drainage in New Mexico and Arizona, and recovery efforts were hampered in recent years by devastating
A few weeks ago, the Michigan Council of Trout Unlimited and other partners met in Lovells, Michigan to dedicate a memorial to Art Neumann, the last surviving founder of Trout Unlimited who passed away last year. It was a great day, and Art’s kids—TU members in good standing—attended the dedication, and wanted me to pass
This may surprise many—it certainly surprised me. Atlantic salmon were once native to Lake Ontario. They are not native to the other Great Lakes, but according to Bring Back the Salmon, a Canadian conservation group seeking to restore Atlantic salmon to Lake Ontario, this was once the case. But, that initial population of salmon has
By Jamie Vaughan This past week, Grand Rapids, Mich., hosted River Rally, a national conference hosted by the River Network that brings together hundreds of water champions and river enthusiasts to cultivate new partnerships and inspire the sharing of knowledge and ideas within the river and water community. NGO staff and volunteers, academics, agency and
Verta Anne Dorseth photo Here’s a real hearbreaker. The famous shop where the R.L. Winston Co. makes its venerable bamboo fly rods was lost to fire over the weekend. The shop, a must-see destinat ion for fly fishers visiting southwest Montana from the world over, caught fire early Sunday morning and is a total loss.