Conservation Funding: Energy & Water Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Energy and Water

170627_TU_FY18_EW_Approps_House_FNL.pdf June 27, 2017 RE: Bureau of Reclamation FY18 Budget Request. Dear Chairman Simpson, Ranking Member Kaptur, and Members of the Subcommittee, I am writing on behalf of Trout Unlimited (TU) and its 300,000 members and supporters to express our views on Fiscal Year 2018 appropriations for programs within your jurisdiction which are of great

Conservation Funding: TU Letter to US House re: Agriculture Appropriations

Conservation Funding: Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Agricultue and related – urging strong support for Farm Bill programs in FY18 Appropriations process. 170627_TU_FY18_Ag_Approps_House_FNL.docx.pdf June 27, 2017 RE: Trout Unlimited strongly supports Farm Bill conservation program funding in your FY18 Appropriations bill. Dear Chairman Aderholt, Ranking Member Bishop, and Members of the

A Native Odyssey – Hoofing it for Rio Grande cutthroat

Editor’s Note: Five students from the TU Costa 5 Rivers Outreach Program have embarked on a once-in a-lifetime journey in pursuit of 18 native trout species, all on public lands. With support from the U.S. Forest Service, Costa Sunglasses, Simms Fishing Products, Fishpond and Post Fly Box, these students will tell the stories of our

Voices from the River: Pandora

By Chris Hunt We had a moment this week, my youngest brother and I. As we struggled through the instructions that came with the Sam’s Club charcoal grill we’d hustled to the store to acquire while three juicy ribeyes sat stoically on the kitchen counter, we connected through music and memory. We have one thing

TU Business Spotlight: Thin Air Anglers

It’s been a rough spring for a lot of fly anglers in the interior West. It was winter until not very long ago, and now that epic snowpack is melting. The meadows at our home place are under anywhere from a few inches to several feet of water. All the places we like to fish

Voices from the River: Cutthroat Country

A Bear River cutthroat landed at Bear Lake in Utah. Courtesy Paul Thompson/Utah DWR. By Brett Prettyman As a kid my boundaries were marked by street names. Pinehill Drive. Arrowhead Lane. Vine Street. State Street. The borders eventually expanded to counties, forests, states and countries. While driving over a mountain pass recently I realized at

Fly tying: The Renegade

Years ago, I navigated our old Toyota Landcruiser high into the mountains off the shoulders of Monarch Pass in southern Colorado. The gravel road was a nightmare, even for my seemingly indestructable beast of a vehicle, and I was forced to come a stop when I reached a snowbank even the Landcruiser couldn’t charge through.