Prolonged horseback trips into remote wilderness areas was actually part of the job description when I started working for Trout Unlimited.
Horses, the High Uintas, native cutthroat trout and wildfire

Prolonged horseback trips into remote wilderness areas was actually part of the job description when I started working for Trout Unlimited.
Historic willow removal, water withdrawal and upstream channel manipulations have resulted in extreme bank instability and areas of excessive erosion and deposition on Lower Swift Creek. Trout Unlimited photo. November 9, 2020 Contacts: Leslie Steen, NW Wyoming Program Director, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, Kay Lynn Nield, District Manager, Star Valley Conservation District, 307-884-7119, Adam
Soon enough, as the sun tracks westward over the nearby Salt River Range, I will be cooking fresh, tasty blue grouse over the coals of a spruce fire in a camp out of the wind in wild, wonderful Wyoming
For Immediate Release: Oct. 30, 2020 Winter snows have already made an appearance in the Yankee Fork Salmon River Watershed and project managers have finished construction work on the Bonanza Stream Restoration Project for the year. The project, which is located near the historic Bonanza town site, seeks to restore a portion of the Yankee Fork
Fall fishing is typically one of my favorite times to be on the water. The crowds shrink, the colors pop and the trout eat. But this fall, I’m spending more time recovering on the couch than under the cottonwoods with some meat tied to the end of my line. Recovery from my third surgery this year is going
I had heard about him from a friend who knew of his amazing skills as an equipment operator and used to tell me that, “Brett can clean your teeth with an excavator.”
Legacy. It’s a small word, but it emotes big energy. It means someone — or a group of someones — has left behind a lasting footprint that guides a discipline years, even decades, later