Voices from the River: Honor your hero

A front-line warning sign on Peleliu during World War II. By Chris Hunt My grandfather was an old man the last time we fished together on Robinson Creek, not far from where it leaves the boundary of Yellowstone National Park and flows into Idaho at the depths of a thigh-busting canyon. We’d walked in from

Video spotlight: Alpine Trout

I have a float tube. I probably haven’t taken it off it’s hook in the garage in half a dozen years. Maybe more. Lake fishing really isn’t my thing, I guess. But after watching the video below by Todd Moen, I may need to rethink my perspective on still-water fishing. Granted, I don’t have an

Voices from the River: Go East, Young Man

Fish like this stout wild Pennsylvania brown trout have helped TU staffer Chad Chorney’s transition from the West to the East. By R. Chad Chorney “What? You’re moving from Idaho to Pennsylvania? Why would you ever do that?” I can’t tell you how many times I received that reaction from friends and colleagues when I

Trout Tips: Fish the Edges

Steve Zakur of Connecticut fishes the edge of a stream bank on a small stream in Montana. My buddy Mike Sepelak is a thoughtful angler. He’s got a steady cast, a smart approach to fishing, and, perhaps most importantly, he’s great to travel with. Over the years, he and I have fished in four countries

Voices from the River: Alone

By Chris Hunt Sometimes, being by yourself is all the company you need. Stretched out in a camp chair in the night-time chill of the high desert, the crackle of a small fire and the enthusiastic yips from a family of coyotes break the wild silence. The full moon is about to appear over the