A pacu found dead at a community fishing pond in southern Utah. Courtesy Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Fishing is all about surprises. Sometimes the surprise is not the fact the trip ended up without so much as a sniff at your fly or the big one that did not get away, but rather what
Not long ago, I read that the average American kid spends about seven hours a day in front of a screen of some type, but only about seven minutes a day outside. As a parent and a grandparent, those numbers sent a chill through me. If kids aren’t outside, how can we expect them to
By Chris Hunt Declan’s not quite 4, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t understand that his dad is dying. I’m sure he realizes that things are a little different with his father. The rest of us wander his world with little in the way of fanfare—we arrive on our own two feet and, a while
by Chris Hunt | March 23, 2017 | Uncategorized
While it’s still very possible to hook into a bestial chinook salmon in Pacific waters—fish that can grow upwards of 50 pounds or more—imagine what it might be like to connect with a salmon that’s 9 feet long and sports inch-long spiked teeth and weighs upwards of 400 pounds. Between 5 and 11 million years
The Madison-Gallatin TU Chapter in Bozeman has developed a great relationship with the Montana State University Student Veterans Club. MSU Vets have volunteered to help MGTU run 3 chapter fundraising events and participated in a willow planting project as part of a chapter stream rehab project on a tributary of the Madison River. MGTU has
To everyone who drew a permit to float Montana’s Smith let us be the first to say: Congratulations, you lucky son-of-a-gun. Not only are you about to embark on one of the country’s most amazing floats, you have also earned the distinction of making nearly 10,000 hopeful applicants from across the country jealous of your
A young volunteer moves one of the seemingly countless tires found in Shoshone River during a cleanup arranged by the East Yellowstone Chapter of Trout Unlimited near Cody, Wyoming. Photo provided by the East Yellowstone TU Chapter By Brett Prettyman The Shoshone River near Cody, Wyoming, put off an impressive tire hatch over the weekend