Traditions: Fishing the High Uintas

By Brett Prettyman Among the many thoughts running through my mind while traipsing though the wilds is one that does more than the others to clear out the chaos and clutter of every day life. “Am I the first human to stand in this place?” The fact I am even pondering the possibility means I

Fly tying: Koga’s Bonefish Shrimp

My first trip to chase bonefish several years back was a disaster. The Atlantic gales blew through the southern Bahamas, and bones were few and far between. I saw a few, got to cast to one or two and came home after a week without landing a single boneffish. It was horrible. But it steeled

Video spotlight: Down and Across

Spey casting is becoming a much more mainstream angling method for big-river fishing, and not just for steelhead and salmon. I’m starting to see spey casters on the South Fork and the Henry’s Fork of the Snake with regularity, chasing rainbows, cutthroats and browns in sweeping runs and throwing 100-foot casts with so little effort

Keep the public involved in public lands management

Tell the Senate to keep the public in public land management: Support Planning 2.0 Please take a few minutes to contact your Senators and urge them to oppose efforts to do away with Planning 2.0 and ensure that the public has a voice in public land management. By Corey Fisher alt=”” title=”” />Last May, I

Madison Valley Ranch – The Best of the Best

One of the highest forms of praise for any of us in the fly fishing world is to be recognized by the best for being the best. Our peers know excellence because they provide excellence. That’s why I was so happy when Madison Valley Ranch was recognized by Orvis at the 2015 Orvis Guide Rendezvous