by Chris Hunt | February 6, 2017 | Video spotlight
Utah’s been in the news a lot lately thanks to the state’s elected leadership and its efforts over the last few years to seize or sell public lands from every American who owns them. As anglers, many of us know that Utah is wonderful fishing destination, and that most of the great trout fishing in
by Chris Hunt | February 3, 2017 | Fishing, Fly tying
I’ve always been a fan of tungsten in my fly tying. For some reason, I just tend to cast heavy nymphs and streamers better when the weight is at the fly, instead of pinched onto the line as split shot or paste. It’s a personal preference, I suspect, and it works for me. I especially
The home away from home on the Ruby River, Montana. Public lands. by Chris Hunt Last spring, as I prepared for a lengthy summer trip to the Arctic, I marched myself into my local RV dealership and signed away a significant chunk of change for a brand new camper. The trip was amazing—I crisscrossed Idaho
by Chris Hunt | February 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
Longtime TU member and stream access chamption John Weis. Francisco Kjolseth photo. By Brett Prettyman John Weis always took pleasure in the simple things and never hesitated to point out the obvious. John also understood the value of something too many of us have conveniently learned to ignore – getting involved in things we are
by Chris Hunt | February 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
Thanks for writing, calling and posting. Your efforts paid off in the protection of our public lands … for now. Last night on his Instagram account, Utah Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz announced that he w as abandoning a bill to sell some 3.3 million acres of public land in the West. The reason? He’d heard
Utahs Representative announced a surprising change in course last night (Feb. 2, 2017) Washington D.C.In a surprising reversal, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) announced last night he would withdraw HB 621, a bill that would sell off millions of acres of public lands. As pro-public lands rallies formed across the West this week, the bill drew
Contacts: Tom Reed, President East Yellowstone Chapter of Trout Unlimited, 717-215-0241, Brett Prettyman, Intermountain Communications Director, Trout Unlimited, 801-209-5320, For Immediate Release Jan. 31, 2017 CHEYENNE, Wyo. Instead of working to prevent another massive 20-mile fish kill like one last fall on the Shoshone River, a Wyoming legislator has proposed a law requiring