8/30/2007 Energy development throughout the West could impact fall hunting and fishing Aug. 30, 2007 Contact: Chris Hunt, Trout Unlimited, (208) 406-9106 Katie McKalip, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, (406) 240-9262 Todd Malmsbury, Resource Media, (720) 564-0500 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Energy development throughout the West could impact fall hunting and fishing As hunting season begins and
Trout Unlimited Holds Annual Meeting in Boise: Volunteer Leaders and National Staff to Gather September 12-15
8/10/2007 Trout Unlimited Holds Annual Meeting in Boise: Volunteer Leaders and National Staff to Gather September 12-15 September 10, 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steve Moyer– 703-447-8401 James Piotrowski– 208-331-9200 Trout Unlimited Holds Annual Meeting in Boise: Volunteer Leaders and National Staff to Gather September 12-15 BOISE Trout Unlimited will hold its 48th annual meeting
Roan Plateau protected under House Energy Bill: Treasured fish and game habitat set aside by Colorado legislators
8/04/2007 Roan Plateau protected under House Energy Bill: Treasured fish and game habitat set aside by Colorado legislators Aug. 4, 2007 Contact: Brian ODonnell, Public Lands Initiative director, (970) 903-0276 Chris Hunt, Public Lands Initiative communications director, (208) 406-9106 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Roan Plateau protected under House Energy Bill Treasured fish and game habitat set
Senator Crapo to tour Little Lost River success story
8/03/2007 Senator Crapo to tour Little Lost River success story FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information contact: Nancy Bradley, (208) 552-0891 SENATOR CRAPO TO TOUR LITTLE LOST RIVER SUCCESS STORY IDAHO FALLSU.S. Sen. Mike Crapo will tour two projects that highlight the collaborative effort among conservation groups, state and federal agencies and landowners to protect
Nation's Sportsmen Urge Congress to Reform 1872 Mining Law
7/25/07 Nation’s Sportsmen Urge Congress to Reform 1872 Mining Law For Immediate Release (July 25, 2007) Contacts: Chris Hunt (TU): 208-406-9106 Aislinn Maestas (NWF): 202-797-6624 Katie McKalip (TRCP): 406-240-9262 Nation’s Sportsmen Urge Congress to Reform 1872 Mining Law Sensible changes urged to protect clean water and habitat and end threat of public land giveaways WASHINGTON
TU praises Reps. Salazar and Udall for efforts to protect Roan Plateau
5/15/2007 TU praises Reps. Salazar and Udall for efforts to protect Roan Plateau May 15, 2007 Contact: Brian ODonnell, Director, Public Lands Initiative (970) 903-0276 Chris Hunt, Communications Director (208) 406-9106 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited applauds congressional effort to prevent Roan Plateau drilling GRAND JUNCTIONTrout Unlimited representatives expressed their support for a congressional initiative
TU announces salmon consumers' Bill of Rights
5/10/2007 TU announces salmon consumers’ Bill of Rights May 10, 2007 Contact: Chris Wood, TU VP for Conservation Programs: (571) 274-0601, cwood@tu.org Tim Bristol, TU Alaska: (907) 321-3291, tbristol@tu.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Consumers gain voice in wild salmon and steelhead conservation National campaign urges consumers to vote with their forks in order to protect wild