4/16/2007 TU praises Ritter for clarifying roadless intent April 16, 2007 Sportsmen praise Ritter for clarifying roadless intent DENVERThousands of Colorado sportsmen likely breathed a sigh of relief over the weekend when Gov. Bill Ritter clarified his intentions regarding the future protection of the states 4.1 million acres of roadless backcountry, said Dave Petersen, Colorado
Report: Ground Water Pumping Poses Serious Threat to the West's Fish and Wildlife Resources and Senior Surface Water Right Holders
3/15/2007 Report: Ground Water Pumping Poses Serious Threat to the West’s Fish and Wildlife Resources and Senior Surface Water Right Holders EMBARGOED UNTIL: March 15, 2007 10:00 A.M. (MST) Contact: Melinda Kassen (303) 440-2937 x100 David Stillwell (303) 440-2937 x105 CA — Brian Johnson (510) 528-4772 ID — Kim Goodman (208) 552-0891 x712 MT —
Energy leases along Beaverhead disregard value of priceless trout fishery
3/12/2007 Energy leases along Beaverhead disregard value of priceless trout fishery March 12, 2007 Contact: Michael Gibson 406-543-0054 michael@montanatu.org Corey Fisher 406-721-1002 cfisher@tu.org For immediate release: Energy leases along Beaverhead disregard value of priceless trout fishery DILLON, Mont.The Bureau of Land Managements proposal to lease 27,000 acres along southwest Montanas Beaverhead River for eventual oil
Sporting Groups Form a Coalition to Safeguard the Wyoming Range
1/24/2007 Sporting Groups Form a Coalition to Safeguard the Wyoming Range Jan. 24, 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tom Reed or Cathy Purves, both for Sportsmen for the Wyoming Range, 307-349-2558 Sporting Groups Form a Coalition to Safeguard the Wyoming Range CHEYENNE, Wyo. — A historic coalition of hunters, anglers and sporting organizations launched a
Congress Fulfills Trout Unlimited?s Holiday Wish List
12/11/2006 Congress Fulfills Trout Unlimited?s Holiday Wish List Dec. 11, 2006 Contact: Kathleen Frangione, (703) 284-9427 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Congress Fulfills Trout Unlimiteds Holiday Wish List Last-Minute Votes Lead to Public Land Protections and Funding for Cleanup of Abandoned Mines ARLINGTON, Va. In the waning hours of the 109th Congress, budget negotiations helped deliver a
TU thanks Sens. Baucus and Burns for efforts to protect the Rocky Mountain Front
12/9/2006 TU thanks Sens. Baucus and Burns for efforts to protect the Rocky Mountain Front Dec. 9, 2006 Contact: David Stalling, (406) 531-7840, dstalling@tu.org Chris Hunt (208) 406-9106, chunt@tu.org For immediate release: TU thanks Sens. Baucus and Burns for efforts to protect the Rocky Mountain Front GREAT FALLS, Mont.Trout Unlimited on Saturday thanked U.S. Sens.
Utah sportsmen ask for roadless protection to preserve hunting and fishing in the Beehive State
12/7/2006 Utah sportsmen ask for roadless protection to preserve hunting and fishing in the Beehive State Dec. 5, 2006 Contact: Chris Hunt (208) 406-9106, chunt@tu.org Bill Geer (406) 396-0909, bgeer@trcp.org MEDIA ADVISORY: Telephone press conference Thursday, Dec. 7, 1:30 p.m. To participate, call: (866) 740-1260. Pass code is: 406-9106 New research: Quality hunting and fishing