1/14/2003 Trout Unlimited Buys Renewable Energy to Power Columbia Basin Field Offices Trout Unlimited Buys Renewable Energy to Power Columbia Basin Field Offices Contact: Alan Moore Western Communications Coordinator Trout Unlimited (503) 827.5700 1/14/2003 — Portland, Oregon — Trout Unlimited, the nation’s largest trout and salmon conservation organization, today launched its “Salmon Generation” green power
Trout Unlimited Slams Decision of Bush Administration to Abandon Water Flows Through the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
Trout Unlimited Slams Decision of Bush Administration to Abandon Water Flows Through the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park Trout Unlimited Slams Decision of Bush Administration to Abandon Water Flows Through the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park Contact: Melinda Kassen Director, Colorado Water Project TU (303) 440-2937 x.11 9/30/2002 — Arlington, VA
Trout Unlimited Joins in Historic Pact on Future Operation of Bear River Dams
Trout Unlimited Joins in Historic Pact on Future Operation of Bear River Dams Trout Unlimited Joins in Historic Pact on Future Operation of Bear River Dams Signing ceremony Wed. at 10 a.m. at Gov. Kempthornes office in Boise Contact: Scott Yates Western Native Trout Programs Director: TU 208.552.0891; Cell: 208.520.3467 8/27/2002 — Idaho Falls, Idaho
Trout Unlimited Supports Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2002
Trout Unlimited Supports Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2002 Trout Unlimited Supports Roadless Area Conservation Act of 2002 Contact: Chris Wood TU Director for Watershed Programs (703) 284-9403 7/25/2002 — Arlington, VA — Trout Unlimited strongly supports Senate efforts to protect 58.5 million acres of unfragmented public lands from new road construction and most commercial
Conservation groups to file suit over Plum Creek's conservation plan
Conservation groups to file suit over Plum Creek’s conservation plan Conservation groups to file suit over Plum Creeks conservation plan Contact: Bruce Farling Executive Director Montana Trout Unlimited 406-543-0054 6/11/2002 — Seattle, WA — Conservationists will go to federal court to stop Plum Creek from ruining one of the last remaining bull trout populations in
Trout Unlimited Calls White River National Forest Flow Protection Plan "Misguided"
Trout Unlimited Calls White River National Forest Flow Protection Plan “Misguided” Trout Unlimited Calls White River National Forest Flow Protection Plan Misguided Contact: Melinda Kassen Director, Colorado Water Project TU 303/440-2937 x. 11 6/4/2002 — Denver, Colo. — Trout Unlimited (TU) says that key parts of a new Forest Service management plan for the White
New Legislation Would Protect Taxpayers, Prevent Nation's Largest Toxic Polluter from Destroying Rivers
New Legislation Would Protect Taxpayers, Prevent Nation’s Largest Toxic Polluter from Destroying Rivers New Legislation Would Protect Taxpayers, Prevent Nation’s Largest Toxic Polluter from Destroying Rivers Bill would prevent bad actors, like those behind Rock Creek Mine proposal underneath Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, from sticking taxpayers with billions of dollars in cleanup costs Contact: Chris Wood