10/1/2001 Provision in House Energy Bill Would Destroy Nation’s Premier Trout Fisheries Provision in House Energy Bill Would Destroy Nation’s Premier Trout Fisheries Organization mobilizes membership to fight measure becoming law Contact: Steve Malloch , Counsel , Trout Unlimited (703) 284-9415 Counsel Trout Unlimited (703) 284-9415 10/1/2001 — Arlington, VA — Americas largest coldwater fisheries
Report Shows That Endangered Species Act and Endangered Trout and Salmon Were Not REsponsible for Firefighter Deaths
9/26/2001 Report Shows That Endangered Species Act and Endangered Trout and Salmon Were Not REsponsible for Firefighter Deaths Report Shows That Endangered Species Act and Endangered Trout and Salmon Were Not Responsible for Firefighter Deaths Rhetoric attempting to link the ESA to the deaths must stop. Contact: Steve Moyer , Vice President for Conservation Progr,
Trout Unlimited: Bush Administration Should Heed Unwavering Public Support and Adopt the Roadless Rule
9/6/2001 Trout Unlimited: Bush Administration Should Heed Unwavering Public Support and Adopt the Roadless Rule Trout Unlimited: Bush Administration Should Heed Unwavering Public Support and Adopt the Roadless Rule Contact: 9/6/2001 — — More than two million total public comments on the roadless policy expected Sept. 6, 2001 Arlington, VA – With the extended comment
Historic Water Lease Benefitting Madison River Fishery Announced
8/21/2001 Historic Water Lease Benefitting Madison River Fishery Announced Historic Water Lease Benefitting Madison River Fishery Announced Return of water to Madisons tributaries will protect trout spawning and rearing habitat Contact: 8/21/2001 — — Tuesday, August 21, 2001 Bozeman, MT A long-term water lease that will return water to three tributaries of the Madison River
Trout Unlimited Presents 2001 National Conservation Awards
8/20/2001 Trout Unlimited Presents 2001 National Conservation Awards Trout Unlimited Presents 2001 National Conservation Awards Contact: Russ Schnitzer , , TU 608-252-8404 TU 608-252-8404 8/20/2001 — Portland, Ore. — In what has become one of the organizations most enduring traditions, Trout Unlimited (TU) bestowed awards to publicly recognize outstanding achievements of its members, Chapters, and
Trout Unlimited Joins Multi-State Plan for Colorado River Cutthroat Trout Conservation
7/26/2001 Trout Unlimited Joins Multi-State Plan for Colorado River Cutthroat Trout Conservation Trout Unlimited Joins Multi-State Plan for Colorado River Cutthroat Trout Conservation Contact: 7/26/2001 — — July 26, 2001 (Boulder, Colo./ Salt Lake City, Utah /Jackson, Wyo.) The Colorado, Utah and Wyoming councils of Trout Unlimited (TU), the nations largest coldwater fisheries organization, announced
Thompson's Salmon Recovery Bill Passes House
6/13/2001 Thompson’s Salmon Recovery Bill Passes House Thompson’s Salmon Recovery Bill Passes House Habitat Restoration Legislation Seeks to Reverse Species Decline on Pacific Coast Contact: 6/13/2001 — — June 13, 2001 Washington, DC – A key salmon recovery funding measure, HR 1157, sponsored by Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA), passed the House today. The Northern Californian’s