Background and Summary: Snake River Chinook

7/9/1999 Background and Summary: Snake River Chinook Background and Summary: Snake River Chinook Status and Expected Time to Extinction for Snake River Spring and Summer Chinook Stocks Contact: 7/9/1999 — — Download the full report in .pdf format July 1999 — Snake River spring and summer chinook salmon once returned in great enough numbers to

TU Study Shows Snake River Spring Chinook Will Be Extinct In 18 Years

7/9/1999 TU Study Shows Snake River Spring Chinook Will Be Extinct In 18 Years TU Study Shows Snake River Spring Chinook Will Be Extinct In 18 Years Landmark Research Predicts Runs Extinct By 2017 Contact: 7/9/1999 — — Portland, Oregon — July 9, 1999 — Wild Snake River spring and summer chinook salmon could be

Cherry Creek Restoration: TU Response to Outdoor Life article

6/30/1999 Cherry Creek Restoration: TU Response to Outdoor Life article Cherry Creek Restoration: TU Response to Outdoor Life article Contact: 6/30/1999 — — Montana TU and the George Grant Chapter support the project because it is a low-risk landscape level restoration project that can benefit westslope cutthroat trout in the Upper Missouri basin, where the

Trout Unlimited: A Leader in Dam Removal

6/30/1999 Trout Unlimited: A Leader in Dam Removal Trout Unlimited: A Leader in Dam Removal Contact: 6/30/1999 — — TROUT UNLIMITED AND DAMS: Founded in 1959 in Grayling, Michigan, Trout Unlimited is America’s leading coldwater fisheries conservation organization. TU’s 100,000 members in nearly 500 chapters nationwide are dedicated to the conservation, protection, and restoration of

Conservationists Challenge Huge New Columbia River Water Withdrawl In Court

6/17/1999 Conservationists Challenge Huge New Columbia River Water Withdrawl In Court Conservationists Challenge Huge New Columbia River Water Withdrawal In Court Suit challenges Corps of Engineers’ failure to regulate the irrigation project, which harms salmon and steelhead Contact: 6/17/1999 — — Three conservation groups today sued the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in federal district

TU Sues To Protect Fish In Colorado's Eagle, Fraser Basins

5/5/1999 TU Sues To Protect Fish In Colorado’s Eagle, Fraser Basins TU Sues To Protect Fish In Colorado’s Eagle, Fraser Basins Western Water Project files on St. Louis Creek and Eagle River cases Contact: 5/5/1999 — — Boulder, CO – May 5, 1999 – Trout Unlimited (TU) announced today that it has gone to court

TU Report: Wisconsin Sets Example for Habitat Stewardship

4/30/1999 TU Report: Wisconsin Sets Example for Habitat Stewardship TU Report: Wisconsin Sets Example for Habitat Stewardship National Group Warns Against Threats To State’s Conservation Programs Contact: 4/30/1999 — — Madison, Wisconsin – April 28, 1999 – Wisconsin’s trout management programs set an example of habitat stewardship that other states should emulate, according to a