Once in a while, we all make mistakes. I make a lot of them. And I made one in the summer issue of TROUT. My friends Heath and Sarah Woltman kindly allowed me to use a photo taken by Pat Lang for a short piece in the Pocket Water section. I neglected to credit Pat
An abandoned mine overlooks Lion Creek drainage near Empire, Colorado By Randy Scholfield We are bouncing along in four-wheel drive vehicles, high in the Clear Creek watershed west of Denver, overlooking beautiful forest vistas and steep hillsides laced with snowmelt creeks. We are here with a group of reporters to show them a dark secret
America has such a well-earned reputation for innovating our way out of problems that we sometimes miss the obvious natural solution. In a series of open houses this summer in Great Basin communities, the Trump administration revealed a plan to reduce wildfire risk by constructing 11,000 acres of fuel breaks across public lands in parts
West slope cutthroat trout from Grayling Creek, Yellowstone National Park. Just a quick update from Yellowstone, with more to come (I promise). I had the good fortune to take a quick drive a couple of weeks ago along the Grayling Creek corridor in the northwest corner of Yellowstone National Park, and I figured I’d stop
Sportsmen/women organizations today gathered in Idaho Springs to support Gov. Jared Polis’ executive order to preserve historic migration corridors, along with family hunting and fishing traditions for future generations. Gov. Polis’ executive order directs state departments to coordinate with federal, state and local governments, private landowners, conservationalists and others to protect wildlife through conservation of
For more than a decade, Montanans have worked together to create a lasting solution for public lands in the Blackfoot River watershed. That solution is the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act. This bill will protect the Blackfoot River by permanently protecting its most important tributaries. It will also secure and expand outdoor recreation opportunities in the
When you find a fly rod that’s essentially made for the kind of fly fishing you like to do—and makes that fishing markedly better—you hang onto it. That’s why I’ll likely never part with the new Sage Trout LL rod. I’m a walk-and-wade stream-fishing junkie. I like the intimate feel of water running around my