Senator Bennet to Protect Sportsmen's Haven

Contact:Aaron Kindle, (303) 868-2859 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Senator Bennet to Protect Sportsmen’s Haven Bill would withdraw unleased portions of the Thompson Divide Washington, D.C. A bill introduced today would provide protection to an area critical to sportsmen and to the recreation-based rural economies of Colorado. Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) introduced the Thompson Divide Withdrawal and

New Mexican National Monument a Win for Sportsmen

Contact:Garrett VeneKlasen, (505) 670-2925Shauna Sherard, (307) 757-7861 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: New Mexican National Monument a Win for Sportsmen Designation will protect more than 60 miles of iconic river Washington D.C. After years of collaboration, the Rio Grande del Norte, a place close to New Mexican sportsmen’s hearts, will be protected as a national monument. The

Trout Unlimited, Grand Teton National Park Partner to Restore Gros Ventre Watershed

Contact:Cory Toye, Trout Unlimited, (307) 332-7700 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited, Grand Teton National Park Partner to Restore Gros Ventre Watershed Removal of obsolete dam will open more than 100 miles of stream habitat for trout in the Gros Ventre watershed Moose, Wyoming Grand Teton National Park joined with the sportsmen’s group Trout Unlimited

Idaho Roadless Rule upheld by Ninth Circuit Court

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Idaho Roadless Rule upheld by Ninth Circuit Court Rule will keep more than 9 million acres of backcountry protected Anglers and hunters’ most valuable places scored a win Monday when the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals announced Monday it was upholding the Idaho Roadless Rule. The decision was the final foreseeable hurdle

Sportsmen continue to urge caution on development of oil shale, tar sands

Contact:Judith Kohler, National Wildlife Federation, (303) 441-5163, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen continue to urge caution on development of oil shale, tar stands DENVER A sportsmen’s coalition applauds the Bureau of Land of Management’s balanced decision on the protection of many vital fish and wildlife habitats, but has concerns about the increased risk to the

Orvis, TU begin project to open 1,000 miles of water over next decade

Contact:Elizabeth Maclin, Trout Unlimited, emaclin@tu.orgBill Eyre, Orvis, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Orvis, TU begin project to open 1,000 miles of water over next decade MANCHESTER, Vt. Orvis and Trout Unlimited this week announced the first two streams that will be improved to allow better passage for wild and native trout as part of the new

Habitat protection vital to native trout

Contact:David Nickum, Colorado Trout Unlimited, (303) 440-2937 x101 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Habitat protection vital to native trout Lone greenback cutthroat stronghold proves importance of intact watersheds DENVER News that lineages of Colorado’s native cutthroat trout historically occupied different waters than was previously thought, and that genetically pure native greenback cutthroat trout only persist in one