TU hosts 2019 Northern Nevada Youth Flyfishing Camp

by Makenzie O’Connor A core component of Trout Unlimited’s mission is building a broad community of river-stewards to help implement and sustain our coldwater conservation work. A primary focus of this effort involves youth outreach and education. Trout Unlimited’s California Program and our California Council and chapters support this initiative by hosting youth engagement programs

They’re back …

You know spring is taking its time in Yellowstone when ice floes are cruising down the river between Lake Village and Canyon on Memorial Day. It’s just been one of those years—lots of late snow, and, as of Monday, more than a solid week of high-country thunderstorms slowed spring to a crawl. Rain gave way

Politics and the fishing media

A Snake River fine-spotted cutthroat trout. Cutthroat trout today occupy less than 10 percent of their native habitat, and the waters where they do persist are largely headwater streams that could impacted by the EPA’s decision to gut the Clean Water Rule. If the fly fishing media didn’t cover the issue, many anglers wouldn’t know

Entrenched in the salmon cycle

“We are products of our environment.”  There is much truth to this adage, and I know I am a product of my Alaskan fly-fishing environment and exposure.    Six years ago when I arrived in Alaska, I was still a mere “padawan” with the fly rod. With time, I found more seasoned anglers to fish with, picked up some tips at the