Trout Unlimited Commends Findings Detailed in America's Great Outdoors Report

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary (703) 284-9408 Trout Unlimited Commends Findings Detailed in America’s Great Outdoors Report Arlington, Va. – Trout Unlimited (TU) lauded the findings in America’s Great Outdoors report, released yesterday at the White House by President Obama and members of his Administration. The report, “America’s Great Outdoors:

Sportsmen applaud Forest Service for its decision to keep Wyoming Range habitat intact

Contact:Steven Brutger, Trout Unlimited (307) 332-6700 x11 Joy Bannon, Wyoming Wildlife Federation (307) 335-8633 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen applaud Forest Service for its decision to keep Wyoming Range habitat intactFederal agency says 44,720 on the eastern front of the Wyoming Range will not be leased for oil and gas drilling JACKSONSportsmen for the Wyoming Range

Trout Unlimited Will Participate in Plains DEIS Process

Contact: Steven Brutger, Trout Unlimited (307) 332-6700 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Will Participate in Plains DEIS Process Conservation group led the way on Wyoming Range Legacy Act and pledges to remain involved JACKSON – Trout Unlimited today pledged to be an active participant and thoroughly review the U.S. Forest Service’s draft environmental impact statement

Colorado Volunteer Receives Trout Unlimited's Highest Award

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary: 703-284-9408 Colorado Volunteer Receives Trout Unlimited’s Highest Award Sharon Lance, of Centennial, Colo. is recognized for her conservation efforts. ARLINGTON, Va. Trout Unlimited (TU) has awarded its top volunteer honor to Sharon Lance, of Centennial, Colo. TU President and CEO Chris Wood presented her with

EPA Agrees to Give Trout Unlimited Liability Protection for Colorado Abandoned Mine Cleanup

For Immediate Release Contact: Elizabeth Russell, Project Manager: 720-938-5438, EPA Agrees to Give Trout Unlimited Liability Protection for Colorado Abandoned Mine CleanupRestoration work will continue on Kerber Creek. Villa Grove, Colo.Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have reached an agreement that will shield TU from potential liability as it works to

Scott Fly Rod Co. joins effort to protect Colorado's Alpine Triangle

Contact: Ty Churchwell, (970) 259-5116 Jim Bartschi, (970) 249-3180 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Scott Fly Rod Co. joins effort to protect Colorado’s Alpine Triangle Montrose, Colo.-based rod manufacturer endorses TU’s efforts to keep the Triangle intact for all who use it today MONTROSE, Colo.Scott Fly Rod Co. of Montrose, Colo., has endorsed Trout Unlimited’s efforts to