An administrator’s favorite week at work

Photo courtesy of Blaine County School District By Cathy Tyson Earlier this fall, I became a field scientist, chemist and sixth-grade teacher. Mostly, my work for TU is behind a desk, crunching numbers. But each September, I feel like Clark Kent taking off his tie, and putting on a cape, as I get back to

Gear Test: Pescador on the Fly’s El Cinco travel rod

For the Pescador on the Fly “El Cinco” 7-piece 9-foot, 5-weight fly rod, one thing is for certain: the company achieved its main goal of convenience and portability. Flying a mu ltiple leg trip from Charlotte, N.C. to Last Chance, Idaho, I did not want to take a chance on arriving without my gear, so

Birds of a feather

Step one: throw a long cast down or upstream, immediately click the bail, establish tension, then activate your lure with a six to eight foot pull. Step two: stop everything. In these two moves, you have alerted every trout in the pool to the arrival of a big and vulnerable prey. Step three: resume a

A little girl’s big impact in TROUT Magazine

Everything came together the day I snapped the photo of Blue catching a fish that ran on the cover of the fall 2018 issue of TROUT magazine. It was a special day for sure. I try to get out with her for “daddy-daughter” time as much as possible. We manage to sneak a few days in throughout the year. The majority of the time is spent watching water, climbing trees or snacking next to the river. We do catch fish, but it is never the goal.

Voices from the River: Tell me a story

Hillary and youngest daughter, Susie, fishing on the Green River. Photo courtesy of Hillary Walrath. By Hillary Walrath “Mommy, tell me a real story from when you were a kid.” Recently, my oldest daughter became obsessed with me telling stories before bed. I started with fairy tales of make-believe but one night I was tired

Video spotlight: Together

Volunteers from the Snake River Cutthroats (Idaho Falls), Star Valley (Wyoming), and Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited chapters braved cold in mid-October 2017 to plant willows, mulch and seed. Kris Millgate/Tight Line Media. Partners in the Tincup Creek Stream Restoration Project in eastern Idaho near the Wyoming border recently completed Phase 2 of the plan with