LWCF funding gains momentum

For immediate release 6/4/2020 Contact: Shauna Stephenson shauna.stephenson@tu.org, (307) 757-7861 Legislation to fully fund LWCF and address maintenance backlog gains momentum Senate to vote on Land and Water Conservation Fund, House introduces companion bill (June 4, 2020) WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Thursday, the Senate began consideration of S.3422, the Great American Outdoors Act. Sponsored by Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO), the bill would fully and permanently fund

Report Threatens Trout Unlimited’s Work to Protect the Grand Canyon from Uranium Mining

WASHINGTON D.C. (April 27, 2020) – The U.S. Department of Energy recently released the Nuclear Fuels Working Group’s (NFWG) report on its strategy to revive the industry and expand uranium mining, including streamlining “regulatory reform and land access for uranium extraction”. Hunters and anglers have questioned the necessity of the report and its definition of uranium as a “critical mineral” while continuing to advocate for the long-term protection of the lands and waters around the Grand Canyon through Trout Unlimited’s Protect Your Canyon campaign.   Trout Unlimited (TU) has spent

Safeguards for fish, water quality head to Governor’s desk

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Crystal Elliot, Trout Unlimited Washington Habitat Director, celliot@tu.org or (509) 386-7768 Tom Uniack, Washington Wild Executive Director, 206-369-1252 Safeguards for fish, water quality head to Governor’s desk Bill just approved by legislature would update regulations for motorized suction dredging in habitat for endangered fish species.  OLYMPIA, Wash. — Washington residents can

EPA final rule unravels Clean Water Act protections 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  01/23/2020  Contact:  Steve Moyer, steve.moyer@tu.org, (571) 274-0593 Vice President of Government Affairs  Shauna Stephenson, shauna.stephenson@tu.org (307) 757-7861 National Communications Director  **For high resolution state-specific maps or images, please contact Shauna Stephenson**  The Environmental Protection Agency announced today it is finalizing a rule that will drop protections for millions of miles of streams and millions of acres of wetlands, putting watersheds at

TU and partners improve fish passage for spawning cutthroat on Bar BC Spring Creek

December 23, 2019 Contacts: Leslie Steen, Snake River Headwaters Project Manager, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, lsteen@tu.org JACKSON, Wyoming –Trout Unlimited (TU) announced today that on-the-ground implementation for the Bar BC Spring Creek Fish Passage & Channel Restoration Project is currently underway. The project is a collaboration between agency partners and private landowners to improve fish migration into

Trout Unlimited Applauds Senator Sinema for Working to Protect the Grand Canyon

For immediate release:  12/19/19  Contact:  Nate Rees, Trout Unlimited Nathan.rees@tu.org (480) 236-2479  WASHINGTON D.C. (December 19, 2019) – Protecting the land and water values of the Grand Canyon from the impacts of uranium mining has been a top priority for Trout Unlimited and sportsmen in Arizona. Today Congress moved one step closer to permanent protection for this special

Sportsmen applaud Senate committee advancing Ruby Mountains Protection Act

For Immediate Release, December 12, 2019 Contact: Pam Harrington, Trout Unlimited, 775-870-0015, Pam.Harrington@tu.org Carl Erquiaga, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, cerquiaga@trcp.org Sportsmen applaud Senate committee advancing Ruby Mountains Protection Act Bill now moves to full Senate for consideration Sportsmen for the Rubies — a coalition of 14 hunting, fishing, and wildlife conservation organizations — is excited to