TU: System Conservation 'part of solution' for bolstering CO River flows, water supply

Photo/Havey Productions For Immediate Release June 22, 2018 Contact: Scott Yates, syates@tu.org, (307) 349-0753 Randy Scholfield, TU communications, rscholfield@tu.org, (720) 375-3961 Trout Unlimited: System Conservation part of the solution for bolstering Colorado River flows, water supplies Ranchers, farmers embraced conservation measures under innovative program (Denver) Trout Unlimited today issued a statement regarding the Upper Colorado

TU has big presence for World Fishing Day

World Fishing Day is Saturday, June 23, and, with the help of FishingTV, Trout Unlimited will be a big part of the 24-hour live webcast. TU will be on hand for two live webcasts, starting at 3 p.m. MT in Denver, where host Corinne Doctor of Rep Your Water will examine the great improvements in

USGS scientist Than Hitt spearheading innovative brook trout research

USGS fish biologist Than Hitt during stream assessment work in Shenandoah National Park, in Virginia. The summer issue of Trout Unlimited’s Trout magazine that is hitting mailboxes now is full of stories that feature innovative work by TU employees, volunteers and partners. TU’s vice president of eastern conservation, Keith Curley, recently caught up for a

Angler scientists make a difference

Trout Unlimited’s culture of volunteers who step up to care for their home waters — getting their hands dirty to protect, reconnect, and restore trout and salmon habitat — is a pillar of the organization. Those within the TU family know the value of these types of efforts, but it’s also gratifying when they are

The future offers hope

By Chris Wood Jake Marshall, whose Dad helped to organize TroutFest, a huge TU event in Texas that raises a lot of money for youth education through the Tomorrow Fund, said he was there “to help conserve our water s.” Laurel Smith, a graduate of the amazing Georgia Trout Camp, said she was there “to

Soccer … and carp fishing

Ten years ago, I wrote a story for Field & Stream magazine titled “Carp Crazy”, wherein the premise was basically that carp fishing was like soccer in that the rest of the world is stark, raving mad about it, but most Americans don’t get it (or don’t want to). It was a cool story, not

Trout Tips: Your fellow anglers

This last week, I ventured high into the eastern Idaho backcountry to chase native Snake River fine-spotted cutthroat trout on a small mountain stream that clears early from runoff and sports some sizable trout for a stream its size. I’d scoped out a large bend in the creek that, I had calculated, would have me