Dear Reader, On behalf of Trout Unlimited’s 300,000 members and supporters, 220 professional staff, and our trustees and grassroots leaders, we want to share with you the 2017 Trout Unlimited annual report. We realize that annual reports are essentially ritualized bragging, and should be generally read as such. Please consider these numbers, however, before you
RIO Products celebrates amateur film makers in the fly fishing arena with its second annual RIO Amateur Fly Fishing Film Awards. With many great films submitted for year two, Meris McHaney took away the grand prize for 2018 with her film “Lucky.” “Lucky” – Winner of the RIO Award in the 2018 RIO Amateur Fly
By Chris Wood I went to see Art Neumann a few months before he passed away. As I left, he punched me on the leg, and asked, “What are you going to do to keep up the fight for trout?” He died later that year after nearly 100 years of life and almost 75 years
One of our first rainbows in Alaska. I now find it hilarious we took a picture of this teeny little buddy. By Jenny Weis “I forgot people even target fish that small,” a veteran Alaskan guide quipped while paging through an intro level fly fishing instruction book with a photo of a colorful but small,
It’s raining here in Montana. The rivers are blown out and let’s be honest—it’s just kind of cold and miserable out there. So lets play a game. Fishing dogs are their own breed of hound. They’re goofier and light of heart in ways working dogs or hunting dogs aren’t. I like to think it’s because
Volunteers from the Jackson Hole chapter of Trout Unlimited gathered to help plant willows along a restored section of Unnamed Creek on the Upper Gros Ventre River Ranch Tributary Restoration Project. Trout Unlimited photo.< /span> By Leslie Steen Once the good part of the pavement stops it still takes nearly two hours to travel the
Grant helps TU and Questa restore Red River, revitalize outdoors economy (Questa, NM)Trout Unlimited announced today that it has received an $80,000 grant from the LOR Foundation for its Upper Rio Grande Community Initiative, a program focused on revitalizing Questa and other rural New Mexican communities by restoring the land and water upon which they