Voices from the River: The BFW pattern

“The friends I can count on, I can count on one hand”. — Anonymous I have a fishing buddy who’s fond of sayings and that particular one has resonated with me. He’s always been one of the guys I have counted on. Not sure he can say the same thing about m e. We are

Good Tunes, Good Times and Tight Lines!

Good Tunes, Good Times and Tight Lines! Hard to argue with that. When I asked Ben Noland recently if he’d be interested in supporting Trout Unlimited and my steelhead conservation work in the west, he immediately replied, “Of course, the biggest trout I ever caught was an Idaho steelhead!” Ben passed me along a photo

Trout Unlimited lauds conservation benefits in House Farm Bill

For Immediate Release April 13, 2018 Contact: Steve Moyer, smoyer@tu.org, (571) 274-0593 Laura Ziemer, lziemer@tu.org, (406) 599-2606 Corey Fisher, cfisher@tu.org, (406) 546-2979 Trout Unlimited lauds conservation benefits in House Farm Bill Washington, D.C.House Agriculture Committee Chairman Michael Conoway yesterday introduced Republican-authored legislation for reauthorizing the Farm Bill, which expires Sept. 30. The bill reauthorizes many

New rules could further protect salmon, steelhead in Washington State

April 14, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dean Finnerty, northwest director, Trout Unlimited Sportsmen Conservation Project, (541) 214-0642 New rules could further protect salmon, steelhead in Washington State Washington Fish and Game Commission to begin rulemaking to provide oversight, monitoring for suction dredge mining. OLYMPIA, WA Today the Washington Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously

Madison-Gallatin TU VSP Takes Vets Fishing!

I was privileged to help the Madison-Gallatin Trout Unlimited Veterans Service Partnership program take a group of veterans from our Project Healing Waters program and from the Montana State University Veterans Club fishing on Depuy’s Spring Creek near Livingston last Sunday. Despite some challenging weather, we caught some nice trout, created some good fish stories,